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Hola Bambini

Chapter 23.


I couldn't help but feel extremely paranoid over everything. Sure, Enzo assured me he has eyes on me every time and Christian has access to my tracker, I still felt uneasy. Like I was being watched. And it confirmed today.

A note was stuck on my bathroom mirror and I stared at it in horror. Swallowing, I reached out and opened it.

"No matter how hard they try, I'll still get you."

I froze as I took in deep harsh breaths. They were in my room. They were in my room!!
I sprinted out of the bathroom and headed straight for my closet not bothering to change, I grabbed a coat and threw it over my tank top and shorts and raced out of my room, with the note still tight in my grip.

It was 11:36pm at night and I didn't know what to do. I called Christian first. I waited as it rang but he didn't pick. I tried Enzo but it wasn't connecting. I groaned in despair. What the heck do I do now?
I screamed as something tapped the glass of my car. Looking out, I didn't see anyone. There's no way in hell I'm getting out of this car.

Another note.

It was already faced towards me so I could read it.

"Run. Run. Run!"

With shaking hands, I started my car and drove out of our home.
I called again and she picked.
"Jeanna? Why the fuck are you calling me?" Serenity muttered as I tried to find my words.

"They...They were at my house just now" I whispered trying hard not to cry. "What?! Where are you?!" She yelled. "I'm driving. I don't know where I'm going. It said Run I don't know what to do. Serenity.... I'm scared" I said as she cursed.

"Go to my house and wait there. Did you try calling Christian?" She asked.

"Yes. He didn't pick. Same with Enzo" I explained. "Enzo went on a mission tonight. Don't be scared okay? Just get to my house and wait there. I'll be there in a few minutes" she instructed and ended the call.

I got to the house and rang the doorbell. A maid opened it after I told her who I was. "Can you show me to Christian's room?" I asked.
"Of course. Right this way" I thanked her when we got to the door. She left as I just stood there trying to get my self together. I didn't realize tears were already streaming down my face as I knocked.

"Yeah? Hold on a sec."

The door was opened and I stared at Christian. He blinked in shock at my current state before pulling me into his arms and I cried.
"What happened?" He asked as he led me inside his room.
I sat on his bed and sighed. I held out both notes to him and looked around as he read it. His room was nice. Slight dash of black, white and blue.

"What the actual fuck?! How?!" I shook my head at him. "I have no idea. They were in my room. They put a note there." I muttered quietly. He came to sit beside me and hugged me.
"We'll get to the bottom of this." He assured but I didn't believe him one bit.
I took in a deep breath before saying the line of thoughts I had.

"I should just go to them."

Christian froze. "What the fuck did you just say?!" He asked lowly as I looked up at him. "I can't risk anything happening to anyone I care about. Especially you." I explained as I took his hand in mine. He pulled away.

"You're not going to give yourself up like some sacrificial lamb Jeanna. Bianchi will figure it out. We'll protect you. I'll protect you! Please don't ever say that. Nothing will happen to you." He said frantically.
I blinked back the tears as I stood up. "I've made up my mind Christian." I whispered hugging myself. He stared at me in shock.

Serenity walked in and stopped. "Is everything okay?" She asked. I nodded not sparing her a glance. Christian stormed out of the room and I sighed.
"Whatever it is, sort it out." She said and I nodded.
"Come on. Everyone's here."

Like she had said, Lorenzo, Lexi and Lucian were waiting in the living room.
Lorenzo rushed to me Immediately he spotted me. I hugged him back just as Christian walked in. Lexi also hugged me.

"You okay?" She asked. I nod.

Lucian gave me a slight smile. It seemed like he was in pain. That's when I noticed he was sporting bloody fists. And his shirt was stained in blood.
Enzo has blood running down the side of his face with a busted lip. His knuckles were also bruised badly.

A Stark reminder of who they are and what they do.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked in concern. "We're good. You?" Lucian asked and I sighed. After Serenity filled them in on what happened they were cursing like sailors.

"We have an even bigger problem." Enzo groaned causing me to frown. "What's that?" Christian asked from where he sat.
"My Dad found out I'm working with Bianchi. My partner ratted me out. I didn't know he was watching my every single move. I'm definitely gonna kill Marcus" She said. Lucian snorted.

"Not if I kill him first."

"So what does this mean now?" Serenity asked.
"It means Lexi's Dad is definitely going to kill everyone of us. I want white flowers at my funeral" I mumbled.

"No one is going to die. Especially not you Bambina."

"For now, we're all gonna lay low and stay alert. Anna? Sorry to say but you'll have to be quarantined." I blanched at Lorenzo.

"I don't have Corona Enzo. I don't think you've noticed but I'm not the kinda person you keep holed up in a room or house. I'll break my way out." I said seriously. He rolled his eyes.

"She's not joking. She literally broke her way out of the detention room in school." Christian chipped in.

They all stared in shock. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"That's beside the point. We all just need to be extra careful. We don't need more people getting involved for their safety. I tried reaching out to the Russians but they absolutely hate my guts." Lorenzo frowned as he spoke.

"I'm tired. Can I go home now?" I asked.

"No you can't. My men are still there sweeping for hints and leads. We all know Rigel loves scavenger hunts."
Lexi flipped Lorenzo off as the atmosphere lightened up a bit.

"Christian? She can use a spare room just for the night" Serenity said.
"She's staying in my room" He stated and I blinked up at him. I thought he was mad at me??

"Alright! See you bitches tomorrow morning. Can't believe we didn't wake up your family Christopher." Lorenzo teased.

"They're at the other house. Cass is over at Eleanor's."

"Babe? Don't forget to put one of your men on my baby sister as well else I'm chopping off your dick. Well, right after I'm pregnant I mean"

I've had enough of all this craziness for one night.

Everyone retired differently. Let's just say my insomnia might hit harddd.


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QOTD- Rainy Days or Windy Days?
I prefer Rainy Days.

See ya at the next one Amigos!
Lots of love,

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