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Hello Babies!

Chapter 17.


I could be anywhere else but here. "Come on Son. Let's see if we'll see your size" Dad said dragging me along and further into the Expanse Boutique.
"Isn't this what Mum's supposed to do?" I asked. I seriously couldn't fathom how a 55 year old man would be this excited about shopping for a wedding he was totally against.

"White? No, you're not the groom. What's the colour theme anyway?" He asked browsing quietly. "It's Dark blue dad. My suit has to be Dark blue" I explained. He nodded absentmindedly as he glanced at a gray three piece suit, nodding in approval.

Why do I even try?

"This will look fabulous on me!" He cried out. "Dad can't we just send your PA do this stuff? I thought you didn't like Bianchi" I grumbled.
He chuckled. "I don't like the man but I'm doing this for your sister. The least I can do is be happy for her on the happiest day of her life. You too son." He spoke. I sighed.

"I'm just worried about her. I know she likes to act tough and all but she's still my sister and I know her but I don't know him" I said. He smiled warmly.
"Christian. You're a smart boy. If Bianchi had malicious intents we would all know by now. The man is a ticking time bomb. Besides, isn't he friends with Andrew's Daughter?" He asked with a slight frown.

"Bianchi? Friends with Jeanna? I don't think so" I mumbled. An attendant walked up to us.

"Good day gentlemen. I'm Tina. Your assistant for today. If you may walk this way, I've lined up our finest designs" she said politely. She gave me a flirtatious wink and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you the lucky gentleman getting married?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow. "Would you just show us the collection?" I bit out. She blinked and nodded. Dad chuckled before following after Tina. Reluctantly, I also trailed after them.

The house was bustling with activity. Since the wedding was just a week away, my sisters and I moved back into the family home temporarily. Once all this ruckus is over I'm getting my space back. And gladly, Serenity will be moving out. Double score.

I acknowledged the staff working around as they greeted me. "Where's Cassandra?" I asked.
"She's in the Kitchen, Sir" A female staff answered. I thanked her and headed to the kitchen. To my surprise, Jeanna, Diana, Mandy and Mrs Jackson were all here. And they were in the middle of a heated argument with my mother and sisters. Except Jeanna stayed quiet as she watched the scene unfold.

Not sure whether to hurl myself into the chaos, I just stood awkwardly.

"It's my wedding Aunty Rina!"

"Listen to your Elders Sis"

"Can we please stop arguing?!"

"How about a five tier cake instead?"

Seriously? All this argument over the cake?!
"Hey Christian!" Jeanna waved as she sighted me. All the women turned and looked at me.
"Hey. Hi everyone" I said entering further Into the kitchen.

"Chris! Glad you're here. I've been searching the whole building for you!" Diana exclaimed. I frowned. "Yes.Where the heck have you been? We need to practice" Cassandra snapped.
"Practice what?" Jeanna asked mirroring my confusion.
"You're going to be dancing at my wedding with your partner" Serenity informed. I blinked. She said what now?

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I asked slightly pissed. "You've been busy." Mum defended and I sighed. "It's no biggie. It's not that hard. You can do it" Mandy assured me. I gave her a smile. Hopefully.

"That aside, who's your partner? We need to start now" Cassandra said glancing at her phone. Checking the time, I presume.
Jeanna cleared her throat.

"That would be me" She said and Serenity gasped. "Her?! She can't dance!" She exclaimed.
"Anna's an amazing dancer Serenity. She did Dance for almost 12 years" Mrs Jackson said proudly and Jeanna groaned.

"That and we're here to help. Does Christian even dance?" Diana asked looking at me. I shook my head.

"Well, isn't that a surprise" Mandy mused as Jeanna and Diana smirked. They were having that best friend inside joke moment.
"Fine. Let's go." Cass urged and we left to the ridiculous ballroom my dad crafted into this building architecture plan.

I was going to embarrass myself.


I snickered at Christian who glared at me. "Don't you dare laugh at me" He warned and I cocked and eyebrow at him. I smiled before going over to Cassandra who was going over the routine she and Mandy came up with.

"How flexible are you?" She asked still watching the steps. "Flexible enough. I can do a few tricks" I said. She nodded impressed. "Okay. Then let's get you changed into something else. That skirt won't cut it" She said frowning at my outfit. I rolled my eyes. I was wearing a skirt and a black long sleeved crop top with White Vans.

"We can keep the top. I'll get you some dance shorts. We don't want to flash Christian." She teased and I smirked.
After I was finally changed, we started.
Serenity being the bride had to choose the song we dance to as it was in her honor.
So I was impressed when I heard we were dancing to Ruth B's Dandelions.

"Wonderful Choice" Diana agreed. The music was connected to Speakers and was played. After listening I raised my hand. "How am I going to pull off the dance in a dress that's floor length?" I asked.

"You'll change into a mini dress that Eleanor designed for this. We have it all planned" Cass assured. I shrugged.
"Okay. Let's get this over with!" Chris clapped his hands loudly.

At some point during practice, a small crowd that consisted of the staff and our respective families were watching.

"Stop! Christian you have to lift her. She's as light as a feather. And Jeanna do the Penché a bit higher please" Mandy corrected. I nodded and walked back to my spot.
"I'm scared I'll drop her" Christian announced.

"It's okay hunny. Don be just trust her and trust yourself!!" Elena called out.
Christian still seemed unsure.
"This is wasting good time. Chris! Bro! I have a photoshoot by 4 at the beach!" Cass yelled at him.

Sighing, I walked over to Him. He looked at me. "Do you trust me?" I asked. He nodded without hesitation. I smiled as I held his hand. "Good. You'll do fine" I said softly. He let out a breath.

"Okay. Let's do it"


He rolled his eyes at his baby sister who smiled cheekily. Diana was given the cue and she started the song. Moving fluidly, we danced to perfection.

"Okay! Here goes nothing!" Mandy yelled. I nodded.
I did a split leap and landed softly before running towards Christian who caught me by the waist lifting me up as he spinned. I raised my leg like Mandy said and smiled down at Christian.

Everyone was applauding by now as the music ended. I blushed as I stepped away from Christian.
"That was actually pretty good" Cass muttered watching our practice footage.

"I am so tired!" I whined. A staff brought a tray filled with water for us.
"Thanks" I Said before downing half the bottle.

"That's it for today. Same time tomorrow!" Diana announced and we all nodded in agreement.
"Come on Anna. Your father's here to pick us up" My mum called.
I frowned. I regret leaving my car at home.

I turned to Christian. "I'll see you tomorrow then" I Whispered. He nodded before leaning down to kiss my cheek. I blushed and scurried out of the room still flustered.
I ignored Mandy and Diana and heading straight for the door.

What the hell is happening to me?

Wedding bells will ring soon y'all! What do you think? Drop your thoughts in the comment section. And please vote and share!

QOTD- Favorite YouTuber?
Piper Rockelle, Elliana Walmsley and Jordan Matter!

See ya at the next one Hunnies!
Lots of love,

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