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Wsup Bitches!!


Chapter 10.


"Fuck you"

I raised an eyebrow at Brittany as she seethed. "You done?" I asked irritating her even more. She glared hard at me I was scared I'll explode.
"I'd stay away from Chris if I were you" she warned.

"Sorry sweetie but you're not my mommy" I snapped. I shot her my middle finger before walking past her shoulder checking her hard.

I smiled.


When you underestimate the ability of crazy people you tend to see the result
And here I was staring at the result of Brittany's madness. She touched my Baby!!!!

Students milling around stared and took pictures of my Range Rover. I stood rooted to the spot as Mandy ran up to me.

"Holy shit!"

She was right Brittany had fucked my car up badly. The front doors were smashed along with the Bonnet and she had signed her Name on the Windshield.

"Well isn't this pretty"

Speak of the Devil.

I turned to look at Brittany as she smirked victoriously. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Seriously? You went with the Car Move?" I questioned confusing everyone else. I knew they were expecting me to throw a bitch fit about my expensive car but my mommy taught me well. She once said

"If they hit you, hit em' harder when the sun don't shine"

Brittany didn't have a dick if not I would've sent her to the hospital with just a kick to her balls but People I'm Jeanna. You don't fuck with me and get away with it.

Brittany frowned confused. I rolled my eyes and turned to Amanda.
"Can I catch a ride with you?"

Mandy nodded and headed over to start her car. I turned back to Brittany.

"Bye Bitch"

I swerved around towards Mandy's convertible.

Hit harder. That's what Momma said.
It was Obvious everyone was expecting a move from me the next day but I took my sweet time that it scared Brittany as to what I was planning.

The next week, I striked.

It was a normal Tuesday morning and I came to school as usual in a New car my dad had Unnecessarily bought for me. I didn't even need his fucking money.

The hallways were filled with students gossiping about one thing or another and I waited patiently for Mandy to finish packing her books.

"Jea, are you certain?" Mandy asked as I frowned at her.

"Yes I'm certain" I stated and she shrugged.

I easily spotted Chris and his 6 foot gorgeously handsome friends heading my way. As he got near, I stepped in his way.

After I had basically told him off the last time, he's been giving me the cold shoulder. I couldn't blame him though. I did regret my actions.

His voice was hard, cold and angry. I smirked. "Morning to you too Babe. Did you sleep well?" I teased as his friends chuckled.

"Get the fuck outta my way Jeanna" He said in a low tone.
I took a few steps back. I blew a kiss at him and nudged Mandy and I left.
Whispering followed my Classic exit.

I should sign up for Drama.


The class was going fine till Brittany stormed in and Marched her way up to me. "You!!"

I had a bored look on my face. "Yes me. How may I help you?" I asked. As God may have it, turns out all the popular kids had Brain cells and wanted to do business.

"How could you?!!!" Brittany cried as I Rolled my eyes.
"How could I what?" I asked. I had noticed the blue beanie on her head. She reached up and yanked it away.

Everyone gasped.

"You did this!!" She yelled. Her hair was white, like My old granny white.

I chuckled.

"You can't prove anything Brittany" I stated calmly. "Of course I can! All because I touched your car you switched my shampoo with Nair!!!!!" She screamed. Some students had already started laughing at Brittany.

"I can neither confirm nor Deny" I said. Out of the corner of my Eyes I saw Chris leave the classroom. I fought the urge to go after him.

I ignored him and turned back to Brittany. "Can I please finish my work in peace?" I asked sweetly.

Brittany glared holes at me before turning and leaving the class. I smirked.

Pay back is a bitch.

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Lots of love amigas,

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