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1 year later

Jungkook POV
Today is the day I finally grasp more on reality and look through that office of Jimin's, the last thing I did was dust and do basic cleaning to it. I didn't look at another paper, another picture, another note since then.

I opened the wooden door that I've kept closed. The office remained the same as when I cleaned it. The sun always shines brighter in here, I'll never understand why. I placed myself on the comfy desk chair, and opened up a drawer. It was scattered with Polaroids from when we first met, along with a dark blue Polaroid camera. I'll have to place these in a scrapbook someday. I'll be reminded of the good times we had even if you're not here anymore.

I opened up a completely different drawer, to find a journal. I never knew of Jimin to write, but I gave myself a chance to skim through it. It felt invasive, but I was curious none the less. The notes seemed small, and minimum, I read the ones that caught my attention.

December 12th,2018
Today Jungkook proposed to me! I broke down in tears at the restaurant. It was a little embarrassing, but I promise that they're happy tears.

I could never say no to "Will you marry me?" It's always been a dream that I doubted for a while. But he did it!

I hope we have a beach wedding. Would it be too much to make my own desserts for the wedding?

Probably, but I can leave it up to my parents. They love us all.


January 1st,2019
Jungkook and I had our first engaged kiss at our New Years party!

Taehyung and Hoseok seemed over the moon, which was great for them since they just had a big argument.

Namjoon and Jin where there usual happy, married selves. Namjoon seemed less stressed than usual.

Yoongi had the time of his life!

I couldn't ask for a better fiancé or a better New Years.


January 15th,2019
I think Jungkook is onto me.

He's angry...it's like he's on fire.

But I didn't want to be with Taehyung like this...it just happened.


February 16th,2019
Nights under the stars are always the best with him.

He always makes me feel safe, I regret my past decisions.

I promised so much to him tonight, I mean it.

I don't want to leave him, I love him.


The last note was written two days before he died, he wrote out his guilt. His appreciation for...everything in life. He went far too quickly, that's what will forever haunt me in my dreams. Or to put in better words nightmares. Maybe it was a bit of both.

I may have filled up the pages of my journal, and started a new one recently. That of course didn't stop me from letting the ink flow onto the next page of Jimin's unfinished journal.

October 2nd, 2020
I treasured everything we did together Jimin...I'm glad that you wrote documented it.

Your eyes will always have galaxies in them...I know of that.

We would've done a beach wedding.

You could've have talked to me sooner, i would've let us have our needed space then instead of letting ourselves bubble in our emotions.

And now to the present...

Jin has stuck around to make sure I keep up with my meds.

There's not too much that has sparked out of it. I just need more time before I'm prepared for a relationship again...it's going to be a while to get over someone of seven years.

Taehyung and Yoongi are actually official. Taehyung absolutely adores Ivy, Yoongi's child. I'll always wonder if you knew her.

Well the other two who's names I won't mention are still in jail, duh. They'll always leave me asking "why?" and "how?"

... I still miss your cupcakes. I tried to make them but, they weren't same in the hands of me.

Even Jin tried, they were good, but not the same.

I think only the person who made the item can recreate it to its perfection.

If only I could've seen your smile one last time as I ate a cupcake.

That would've been...beautiful. You never seemed to appreciate your work as much as others.

Speaking of work... I finished that painting of you...

It's glorious. It sits in my art studio room.

You would've hid your face, and hugged me when I showed you. I can see it now.

Of course we can only imagine what life would be like if you were still here.

We had our time, shortie. God you would kill me if I said that to your face.



I'm honestly going to miss this story a lot. I had such a good time writing it! It was something that I felt was different, and just an idea that sparked me out of the blue.

I wish it could've been longer but unfortunately all good stories have an ending. Thanks for joining me on this adventure.-Oli


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