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2 weeks later

Jungkook POV
I was allowed to the court date, dressed in a suit that they had picked up from my home. My hair had been fixed more by force, it was more straight and slick. It had been parted to the right, i had previously styled my hair like this before I was held captive.

Nurse Aurora stood by my side in a flowly red dress. She was here to observe my actions, in case anything were too snap within my head. I placed myself at the plaintiff table. Next to my lawyer, Holly. My eyes glared at Hoseok and Namjoon who had cuffs behind their hands, with a useless lawyer by their sides.

All of my precious friends, who I have made interesting discovers about sat near the table. Taehyung and Jin looked the most worried out of either of the two, both losing people that they once loved.

I kept focus as the male judge took his place at the raised desk. He banged his gavel, signaling silence among the people in the court.

"Today, October 10th 2019, we start the murder case of Mr.Jeon versus Mr.Kim and Mr.Jung." The judge, who's last name was Holt, bellowed across the courtroom for every soul to hear.

All of us swore to propose the truth within this court. It went smoothly, both the lawyers proposing their cases, defending myself, and the criminals at hand. I would be glad to never see there faces again. After the lawyers spoke, it was up to my past friends to speak. We would also hear the criminals speak to us, speaking their motive.

"If we could bring Mr.Taehyung Kim to the stand." The loud judge spoke, and looked over the blue haired male as he rose from his set. Walking up to the stand, and the seat. He looked worried, and almost teary eyed.

"You're ex fiancé is Mr.Jung correct?" Judge hold, which his piercing hazel eyes said.

"Correct." He sniffled a bit, avoiding breaking down in front of the crowd.

"When did you start having suspicions about him?"

"After he proposed." The blue haired male couldn't seem to keep in anymore. "We we're close as usual for a month there, then everything just fell apart. I never thought he wanted to marry me in the first place." Taehyung confessed as he wiped his eyes. I felt more remorse for him now, that I knew the truth about Hoseok.

"Did he seem to disappear more, as to plan the crime?" The judge had risen his eyebrow slightly.

"On his nights off, he wasn't always home. Said he was going to a bar with friends, which was indefinitely a lie. T-This murder was planned, there's no doubt about it." He stuttered I'm his words, almost in disbelief.

"You're free to go." The judge nodded his head. The cotton candy haired male sat down at the seat again, taking a tissue from a table and wiping his eyes. I caught Yoongi holding the hand of the the male next to him,comforting him.

"I now request Mr.Seokjin Kim to the stands." Jin rose as his name was called, taking the place Taehyung had previously sat. "What was your motive to place hidden cameras to catch the two suspected killers sat here today?"

"They has started to hang around each other more, and both of them started to act unlike themselves. I figured the perfect time to catch them was intoxicated, the truth can come out with alcohol." The journalist spoke, nodding his head as he did. His eyes had precious tear stains, I could only assumed he had cried earlier.

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