Bray-Lynne looked at all the different colors. She had decided on rustic orange, sunset orange, ocean blues, and chocolate brown.

She wasn't sure if she liked the country theme wedding or the summer/tropical wedding Karma had suggested. Both would be beautiful. Karma knew her way around planning things for sure.

Bray had always loved the idea of getting married on a beach somewhere. Maybe, just maybe she could come to an agreement with Devon on the themes and colors.

Just as she was about to give up for the day the front door opened and Devon came in. Karma jumped up giving her big brother a hug.

Karma and Devon had been close growing up. Even in high school where they had different ideas on what they wanted to do and who they wanted to hang out with.

They still shared that brother and sister bond that Bray would always want.

Bray was an only child. Her mother and father had been as well. So after her grandparents and parents died she was all alone.

She did however consider Beth to be family. She was like a sister. Always looking out for her and making sure she's happy.

Thinking about Beth reminded Bray that she needed to call her. Even though they texted every second she still liked to just sit on the phone and have long conversations with her best friend. It had been so long since she had last seen her, and she really missed her.

"So have we picked out a date yet?" Devon asked the girls as he took a seat next to Bray-Lynne on the love seat.

"Not a date but we are down to a tropical /summer kind of wedding that would for sure not be in Washington or a country like wedding. She's not too sure yet, you two will need to go over that and pick something out soon." Karma said.

Colors were in order, a theme was being picked out, and dress shopping was already scheduled.

"We go dress shopping tomorrow so be ready."Karma pointed a finger at Bray as she gave them both a hug before leaving.

Devon followed Bray into the laundry room and watched her work her way around the washing machine.

Bray had always gone to the laundromat to wash her clothes. Not having the luxury of being able to afford simple household appliances that made a normal family's day easier.

"So would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" Devon asked Bray as she faced him. He grabbed the heavy basket full of clean clothes from her.

"Yes I would be happy to join you for dinner." Bray smiled at him. They walked to the living room where Devon set the basket down. Devon gave Bray the time he would be picking her up and left heading back to work so he could finish ahead of time.

By the time six rolled around Bray was nervous. She had chosen a simple blue summer dress and a pair of blue heels.

She had always loved heels but never really had an occasion where she could wear them.


Bray opened the door to great Devon, he was left speechless. In his eyes she looked magnificent. Her hair was down and the blue of her dress made her eyes look even more spectacular.

Speechless he offered her his hand and led them to his car, and as soon as they were buckled in, they were off.

Mama's Pizza and All Things Italian restaurant was the one place his family often visited. The owner Mama knew his family well.

She was a nice elderly lady who only employed her family and friends because she had trust issues.

"This place is nice." Bray-Lynne said as the two took a seat in one of the many booths in the back of the restaurant away from prying eyes.

Just as the two sat down a tan skinned, dark eyed young man walked over to them and grabbed Devon's hand and gave it a good shake; a smile lighting up the young man's face.

"Devon it's good to see you, and you brought a friend!" The young man spoke to Devon but cast a sideways look at Bray-Lynne. She just gave a small smile in return.

"Yes, Angel, I want you to meet my fiancée Bray-Lynne." Devon gestured to the blonde beauty in front of him.

Angel lifted Bray's hand and gave it a gentle kiss. "Well Ms. Bray-Lynne it is a pleasure to meet you." His accent was thick and Bray – Lynne couldn't help but feel at home with the young man. He was just so kind. She was blushing as she took her hand back from Angel.

"Would you like the usual?" Angel asked Devon as he faced him again.

"Yes, that will be fine." Devon handed the menus that were on the table to Angel just before he walked away.

"So tell me Devon, what's the usual?" Bray looked at Devon with a raised eyebrow.

"Well the usual consists of chicken and broccoli Alfredo with a side of bread sticks and for dessert coconut crème pie, also a nice big glass of Iced Champaign."

"Well that sounds delicious." Bray said as she licked her lips. She was starving.

Bray-Lynne turned her head to look out the window as the sun finally set behind the dark gray clouds. As usual it was rainy out and the clouds spoke of a night full of storms.

"What are you thinking about?" Devon asked as he gazed at the woman in front of him.

"My mother used to watch the sun set." She smiled at the memory.

She missed her parents a lot. It had been a few years, but she was still as devastated as the night the cops came knocking at her door. She felt her heart twist and butterflies fill her stomach. She wished they were here.

Devon saw the way the loss of her parents affected her. He saw the pain in her blue eyes. Pain that he wished he could take away. He had no idea what she was feeling on the inside. He had only lost his grandfather before. His parents were still very much alive, and he didn't know what he would do without them. It pained him to even think about the thought of them dying.

He remembered reading her file. Roughly 60 other families had lost their loved ones and he wanted to make it up to her.

If she would let him, that was. He couldn't bring them back for her, but he could give her closure and leave her mind at peace.

"What is your favorite color?" Bray-Lynne looked at Devon; he had his elbows resting on the table while his head rested on his fist; looking at her.

"Um, yellow." Bray answered him.

"Mines green, now it's your turn to ask me something." Devon said.

"Oh... Well what is... Your favorite thing to do, outside of work?" She stuttered over her words trying to think of something to ask.

"I love to hike, what about you?" Devon asked.

"Well I love to write. Not too good at it but it helps." She looked down at her folded hands.

Just then Angel came rushing over with their food and the conversation stopped.

Even as the two ate in silence it was more relaxing than anything. They were learning more about each other and it was going well so far.

Bray knew she felt something whenever he was around. But she wasn't going to make a big deal about some childish feelings.

Sure she liked hanging around him and as the two finished eating and headed out into the drizzling rain, they both realized they enjoyed each other's company and neither one wanted that to change.

Devon's Girl (Book 1 of Lovely Desires)!Where stories live. Discover now