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Chapter Twenty-Four

Natsu Dragneel

If you didn't expect by this point that I'd wake up in Gray's arms, all space between us one, the whole big-little-spoon shebang, then I applaud you. Because my past self didn't realize that.

"Mmph!" I cried out, my voice muffled in Gray's faded Misfits graphic tee. My previously crusty eyes had snapped open and I was fully alert.

As stealthily as possible, I peeled his arm off me and wriggled out of his awkward grasp. I sped for the exit, stopping in my tracks when Ultear looked up at me from her - shocker - phone with a monotonous expression.

"What did you do in there?" She pressed. I laughed mockingly.

"Sleep, duh! W-what else would I be doing? You sleep at night, don't you?" I responded skittishly. Ultear raised her eyebrows as I ducked back into the other room.

"I know what else you do at night," She grumbled, returning back to texting or whatever she does. I pretended I didn't hear her say that and scooted my sleeping bag as far away from Gray as possible.

I pulled out my book and flipped to the page I was on. I set my glasses on the bridge of my nose and began to read, immediately getting immersed in the story and forgetting my swirling reality. I was probably reading for a good half our until Gray stirred and flipped over, eyes cracked open.

Yes, his extrordinarily brilliant eyes. My breath hitched as I stared in awe once again.

"Natsu? Are you awake?" Gray asked so softly, patting the ground and groping around for his shades. When his fingers curled around them, he set them on his face and sat up.

"Yeah, just reading," I whispered back.

Gray adjusted his pillow and flopped stomach-down next to me, tilting his head up in my direction like he was looking right at me. "What book is it?"

I turned the page. "Malevolent Days. Not that good." (A/N: CRYING BECAUSE THIS IS MY BOOK I WROTE A LONG TIME AGO)

"What's it about?" Gray pressed, resting his elbows on his pillow and propping his chin up. He smiled at me expectantly, and I returned it, even though he couldn't see it.

"Why so many questions?" I challenged amusedly, watching with enjoyment as his face morphed into a scowl.

"Just wondering," He grumbled.

I petted his head, like he always does to me. "I'm kidding, Gray. Gosh, you're so easy to mess with," I giggled under my breath. "Ironically, this book is about this asshole boy who becomes blind and learns to become empathetic with disabled kids now that he's one too. Also, this girl comes in and teaches him how to be happy again."

"That sounds like us," Gray reasoned.

"Yeah... it really does. But you know what?" I turned to look at him.

"What?" He asked.

"I like our story better," I whispered as our lips met. We continued to kiss and move in sync as I fell backward and brought him down with me.

And it was just simply, positively, totally, inexplicably, completely blissful.

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[Sunday Evening]

"Thanks for letting me stay, everyone! You don't know how much I appreciate it!" I said boldly, bowing slightly. On the front porch, the Fullbuster family stood in a line, all waving farewell. I had already packed up and given everyone a hug- Gray's hug had lingered a bit, and I whispered to him that I'd see him tomorrow.

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