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Chapter Two

Natsu Dragneel

To Natsu, math came as quickly as a snail on a turtle's back.

Which means it felt like years until the bell rang for Mr. Gildarts Clive's class.

Natsu wasn't really sure if he was excited for Advanced Statistics because he enjoyed math a lot, rumors confirmed that he was an awesome teacher, or Gray was in that class. Considering the slightly irregular thudding of his heartbeat, it was mostly the latter.

Natsu quickly packed up his supplies and rushed out the door. Looking at the number on his schedule, he found the room number was A122, and he was currently leaving C236. Lovely.

In a flash, Natsu thundered down the steps and down the A hallway. Natsu remembered Lucy was also in his math class when he spotted her walking down the hallway, reading a book, which Natsu figured wasn't the smartest idea, considering Lucy's clumsiness.

"Hiya, Luce," Natsu greeted happily, tapping Lucy's shoulder. Lucy flinched with surprise but lit up when she spotted her best friend.

"Natsu! Hey! Ready for the last class of the day?" Lucy asked, bookmarking her page and stuffing it in her purse.

Natsu nodded with a mock-exasperated expression. "This day's been dragging on forever," He whined.

Lucy ruffled his tango pink hair. "I've heard Mr. Clive is awesome, so maybe we'll get a bit of a break," She offered. Natsu shrugged and silently agreed. They continued to walk down the hallway, made a sharp left, and stopped at the fourth door on the left. Taped on the door was an inspirational message and Mr. Gildarts Clive, room A122. Lucy and Natsu shared a quick look before Lucy turned the door handle ever so slowly, revealing a class full of...

Beanbag chairs.

"What's this?" Lucy whispered surprisedly to Natsu.

"Hell if I know," Natsu shot back quietly. His eyes subconsciously scanned the room for Gray, but not one sunglassed raven was in the classroom.

"Welcome! I think we've almost got everyone now!" A man who looked in his mid-thirties, with rugged auburn hair and a dash of stubble greeted. "Pick a beanbag."

Lucy and Natsu scoured the choices for a moment, before their eyes landed on two open pink and yellow beanbags in the front row, nearby the door. They sunk into the seats, sharing weird looks, but smiling anyways. The rumors were true. This guy was chill.

"Okay, I think that's about it, so let's be-," Mr. Clive was interrupted by the door creaking open again. "Welcome! Pick a beanbag."

Tap. Tap.

Frowning, Gray took a step forward. "Where's the closest empty one?" Gray asked quietly.

Snickers could be heard from where Natsu was sitting, and he curled his fists and pursed his lips at the same time.

"Oh, certainly. Just in front of you is one. About three steps forward and one step to the right," Mr. Clive said kindly. It wasn't all that difficult to see he caught on about Gray's disability lickety split.

Natsu casually looked to his left. And just his luck- a navy blue beanbag was vacant, but was soon filled.

"Okay, now, let's begin! Hello, everyone! I'm Mr. Clive, your new Stat teacher. I love math, and I want you to love math, and I want the experience of learning to be enjoyable. Therefore, lessons will be taught here, in your new assigned beanbags. However, as you may have noticed, there are desks in this room. You'll be required to sit there most of the time. Beanbags are for lessons only. Tests, quizzes, homework checks, and others will be at your seats. Anyway, this year I'm going to make you efficient, organized students who really apply themselves throughout the year-"

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