I smiled at the stainless steel silver and pulled it out, fingers curling around the cold metal thermos. Another yawn snuck its way through my throat, prying my jaw open. I made an audible protest, annoyed that I was so tired. I closed the fridge and puttered around the drawers looking for one of the curly synth-plastic straws I'd seen Ralph using earlier.

I'd been mildly amazed to discover that they had such things but hey, these people were capable of anything at this point. I was more surprised that it had surprised me at all. I found one pretty quickly and ran the water a little before placing the dusty, disused straw under it, humming 'It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas' as I shifted from foot to foot.

My legs ached and felt too tight whenever I stood up, as if there was too much blood below my thighs building up and getting ready to burst like an overfull balloon. I flipped the faucet off, placing the straw in the thermos, and I leaned against the counter, taking a long pull of blood.

Chilled liquid delight flooded my mouth, sparkling and delicious and sweet and spicy.

I closed my eyes as I swallowed.

Drinking chilled blood was a much different experience than drinking scalding hot blood, and yet both were grotesquely delicious in their own way for me. Sort of like comparing chocolate milk and hot cocoa with marshmallows... one was chilled delight, the other a warmed promise.

I stopped sipping after a second, settling back against the counter, smiling dazedly.

The song I'd been working on came bubbling up and my humming shifted in tune.

"Polaroids hanging by fairy lights... warm the cold... frosted gold..." I hummed, closing my eyes and smiling as I pictured the room of beautifully lit photographs upstairs, "even if you know its holding me back... train tracks... don't go back..."

I trailed off, still humming, taking another sip and basking in the taste of his lifeblood. I shivered as a chill went through me and my voice died as I looked up to see a pair of brilliant amber eyes looking right at me. I blinked. So did Sebastian.

"Hi," I greeted, giving him a tired smile. "Welcome back. How was your run?"

"Enlightening and invigorating," he said in a soft, almost breathless tone, facial features tight with something I couldn't name; his face revealed absolutely nothing but I could have sworn he looked excited. I took another sip, staring at him with a lazy, sleepy smile.

"Did you have fun?" I asked after I swallowed, and a small smile tugged at his lips. "When did you get back?"

"Early enough to hear you singing," he purred, closing the gap between us.

"I wasn't singing," I sheepishly retorted. "I was humming."

Of course, he was having none of it and planted his hands down on the counter on either side of me, bending forward and forcing my spine to arch. His legs pinned my own and his groin dug into my front as he ground it against me, jeans dragging against my body before he hunched down to catch my mouth with his lips. I braced myself on the counter as my skin tingled.

I lost myself for a time, focused only on our closeness, on kissing him back. He gently touched my cheek, running his thumb along my jawline. I pushed myself into him, forgetting about the blood, placing my hand over his heart. Much to my disappointment it was him who leaned back first. I let out an audible sigh of disapproval, receiving a small kiss on my forehead in response.

"You were singing," Sebastian drawled, wiggling his bushy black eyebrows at me. "What song was it? You've been humming it for weeks now. I find myself curious."

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