Dream instantly comes to mind with him, so I nod and quietly thank him. Nightmare always forgets to factor in any allies I might have after all. Maybe Ink's bad dream won't become a reality.

Ink's POV

Ink!Pap throws me aside and I land carefully on the ground, my feet sliding and digging into the ground. I no longer have my brush, it's broken in the anti-void, but that's not a priority right now. Nightmare took Error, and if I know Nightmare from past encounters, he certainly ain't giving Error a warm welcome or anything. I could sense an AU being destroyed by the gang, followed by a character getting destroyed. I freeze, it was Error. I lift the puppet of him that I held up and gaze at it. I wipe my tears and hug it, then securely tuck it under my sash of vials. I look at my brother and glare at him.

"What's with that look brother? Come here and give me a hug."He says

"I won't hug someone so evil, even if they're my brother."I snap

"Evil? I saved you from the evil! Error's bad for you, I know it! He's called a destroyer for a reason. You should be thanking me!"

"No, you did not! You don't know what's good for me! You hardly know me! We haven't even met until you took Error the other day! I won't thank the one who teams up with the leader of destroyers and claims they're good. You're just a big hypocrite! I hate you!"I yell, feeling fresh tears come and roll down my face

That seemed to hit him hard. He steos back and stares at me, frozen in place. His eye-lights were small and tears formed.

"Now if you excuse me, I have a friend to find."I say, swiftly turning on my feet and starting to walk away

"Wait!"Ink!Pap cries

I turn my head and look over my shoulder.

"What."I ask plainly

Ink!Pap takes something out of his pocket.  It was a rainbow soul. He came close and I look at him.

"I made it with some paint myself. I saw your stats and see your soulless. Nobody deserves that. So-"Ink!Pap begins

"I don't want your stupid soul. I may be soulless but I'm still not emotionless. I've gotten used to being soulless anyway and that won't make us best bros after what you did."I snap

I felt a surge of pain and emotions surge through me in the next few moments. He had shoved the soul into me, of which I absorbed. I fall to my knees and cry. I check my stats and sure enough, I had the soul.

"I don't care anymore of what happens. Go find Error if you care so badly. I just want you to be happy. Maybe someday I'll make up for what I've done and become a better brother to you."Ink!Pap says

I was silent. He opens a portal and leaves. I sigh and look at the Error puppet.

"I will find you."I say

I feel hundreds of AUs getting destroyed all at once and get worried. Error couldn't have broken the truce, could he? No, even if he did, nightmare's probably making him. I sigh, worried of so many things. I need help.

I take out my phone and call Blue. I explain everything that happened. He seemed overjoyed to hear from me, even though I had texted him while in the anti-void before Nightmare came along.

"Ink! It's been 2 months! I was getting worried again when I didn't hear or see you! I guess wherever you are runs quicker than my timeline AND your base."Blue says

I was shocked. No wonder I felt so much getting destroyed! 

"Okay....Blue, have you heard from Error at all?"I ask

ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not To Be EnemiesWhere stories live. Discover now