Chapter 29

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To celebrate today [yesterday] being Nagisa's birthday, I decided to publish Chapter 29. You're welcome. There was already a Happy Birthday chapter for him, so I didn't want to repeat that. Also, I've run out plots to surprise the characters, so we're doing this.

P.S. Last Chapter, so thank you for all the support I've gotten for this story. Honestly, if you're reading this, you're the best. Thanks for reading all the way to the end...well, if you even read this chapter. Still, thank you and I hope to continue receiving support from you all! 

​​​​​​"'s the day."


"Listen, L/n. I just want you to know that whatever you choose to do, you'll continue moving forward."

"I hope so."

Nakamura-sensei pat his shoulder. "I'll still be around Iwatobi Town. Talk to me if you ever need anything."

"Sure thing."

"By the way, how are things with F/L/n? Is she doing well?"

"Yeah. She's settled on a college already. Full-ride scholarship."

"That's good. She's always been a smart girl. No doubt she got a full-ride."

"That's true..."

"I know you haven't decided on something, there anything you've considered?"

"...Well...nothing really comes to mind...Maybe I'll work somewhere for a while...go to community college..."

"I see."


They both looked to see a teacher waving to them. "Anyway, I have to go now, L/n. I hope to hear good things about you."

M/n watched as Nakamura-sensei walked away before he himself continued walking. "M/n!"

He turned his head to see Gou running towards him. He stopped and turned his body to face her as she ran up to him. "Gou? What's up?"

"The others want to see you."

She quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him behind her. "Hey!"

The students that were there watched as they ran past them. Eventually, they made it to the swimming pool, heading into the building beside it. His eyes widened. The others were there, smiles on their faces. A banner was hung on the wall that said 'Happy Graduation Day!'

"Don't just stand there! Come on!"

"What's all this?"

"Technically, all three of us are graduating, but...we thought we'd do this since this is our last day together."

"I'm really gonna miss you guys."



"You'll always be part of the Iwatobi Swim Club."

A small smile sprouted on his face. "He smiled!"

Hearing this, M/n frowned in embarrassment. "I did not!"

Everyone but Haru chuckled. Instead, he smiled a little. 


They had a little celebration together, swimming around in the pool. Gou was offering drinks. M/n sat at the bench. Mrs A walked over and sat down beside him. "Is everything okay, L/n?"

"Mrs A. Yeah...everything's fine."

"I know it's not really my business since Nakamura-sensei's in charge of that for you, but...have you considered doing anything after high school?"

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