Chapter 20

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I was gonna post this yesterday considering it was thanksgiving, but I instead updated chapter 19. You're welcome. I also woke up this morning to see two amazing comments on the latest chapter. Shoutout to Ayato Yuri and Okumura Miharu! -click on the links on QuoteV- Great people that they are! Check them out! I have enjoyed all the great comments on this. I'm glad people like it. This was the first story in which I've made M/n like this (You know, his attitude and personality😚), so it's good to see that people enjoy it. -Might make more like this considering I got lots of fanfic drafts- I got the idea from the many other stories I've read by other creators. Anyway, without further ado, here we go!!



"I thought you were gonna spend the holiday with your family", M/n said as he took off his blazer.

"They're flying over here."


"M/n, thanksgiving is special. We might be far away, but we'll come over to celebrate with you. After all, it's about being with family. Right?"

M/n shook his head before taking off his tie and shoes. He then went into the kitchen. "What are you doing?"

"I don't exactly have the right stuff for that. And, I'm out of cash."

"Huh? Out?"

"I don't have a job, remember?"

"Right. I forgot. So, how do you get money anyway?"

"I happen to do a few tasks here and there."

"Being a prostitute?"


"A stripper?"


"Pole dancer?"


"I got it! A drug dealer!!"

"No, no, no! What do I look like to you?! A sexually needy juvenile delinquent?!"

"I'm 50 50 on the sexually needy part. Juvenile delinquent? I'd say you're about 60% there."

M/n sighed before slamming the fridge shut. "I meant that I do chores for other people. You know, like mowing, cleaning, etc, etc."

"The M/n L/n does chores? Ha! I'll believe it when I see it!"

"Go ahead. Take a picture. A video, for all I care."

"Why don't you just get a job? You're old enough and you got lots of free time on your hands."

"Whatever, F/n."

"At least contribute to the feast a little. Tell you what, I'll pay and you cook. Deal?"

"You want me to cook?"

"Yeah. Do your thing, M/n."

"How much exactly are you willing to pay for me to make food?"

"Whatever amount."


F/n looked at him with a smile. "A million should be enough to cover it", M/n said as he walked away with a smirk on his face.

F/n's smile dropped and her eyes widened. "What?! M/n!!!"


As M/n and F/n walked into the store, an elderly couple was leaving. "Look at that, Takiro. Young love. Such an adorable couple."

"Indeed they are."

The two had looks of pure disgust on their faces. "Are you two looking to get married?", the elderly women asked. "You'd make a splendid newlywed couple."

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