Chapter 25

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M/n tried to sit up on the bed, but F/n kept him from doing so. "Don't sit up. You'll hurt yourself."

"I'll be fine..."

He sat up and looked at the plain bed sheets before looking up to meet F/n's gaze. "Why do you want to know...?"

"Because", she answered, looking down, balling up her fists that rested on her thighs.

After a few seconds of silence, she looked back at M/n, tears in the corners of her eyes. "He doesn't deserve it...! A father like that...! He was never there for you...! What gives him to right to you his son...?!", she sobbed. "He's not a father...! He's a man who ran away from his responsibilities...!"

M/n could only watch and hear her cries of pain. Everything she had said was true. That man was never his father. What exactly gave him the right to call himself a father? A father is someone who is there for you when you need them. In good times...and in bad.

And if he isn't considered a father, then what makes him think he had a son? If anything, their relationship was nothing more than pure strangers. He knew nothing about M/n except what he heard from the media and other people. It's been so long, the man even forgot his birthday.

F/n, knowing that, felt anger claw at her. Those few times that he said that his son was in that room, it pushed her limits. What she said to him before she went off on her own. It was partially true. And something inside her made her wish that the man had never shown up in the first place. She felt that his presence at the tournament is what caused M/n to be here in this moment.

M/n reached over and pulled her into a hug. He placed his hand on her head. "I know how you feel...That anger that just wants to be let out..."

She gripped the shoulder parts of his hospital gown as she listened, her broken sobs quieting down a bit with his words. "You don't want me to forgive him because of the mistakes he made...Yes...he messed up as a father...he never showed that he cared...he never once showed me that I was important to him..."

M/n glared at the bed sheets as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. "He wasn't there when my mom and aunt passed away..."

He closed his eyes and let his tears flow down his cheeks. He paused before he began talking again. "What does he expect me to say when he asks me to forgive them...? After everything that he's done, he expects me to forgive him... The damage has been done and an apology won't take away the permanent scars that developed over these past 11 years...."


He held her closer to him as the painful memories flew to his attention from the back of his mind. "You'll always be my family...Don't you ever forget that..."

M/n smiled slightly. "I won't..."



"Yes? How is he, doc? Tell me I can see him!"

He nodded. "You're allowed to see him."

He rushed towards the double doors and tried to find his room. After a while, he came across the room with the name M/n L/n on the plaque. Carefully and quietly, he opened the door. Once he did, he saw M/n with a sleeping F/n in his arms. She had a tight grip on the chest area of his hospital gown.

M/n didn't bother to look towards the door. He already knew who it was. He kept his gaze outside the window.



His father made his way over and sat down in the empty chair. "She really cares about you...doesn't she?", he said quietly, referring to F/n, who was literally clinging onto him.

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