Chapter 3

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The space around me is so calm when I'm underwater. But, with the slightest disturbance, a ripple is made.

He lifted his hand in front of him, gazing at it as if he were in a trance. After awhile, he swam back up to the surface. His head broke through the water as he gazed up at the moon.

His e/c eyes were glazed over with the light of the midnight crescent. Using his strength, he pulled himself out of the water and sat on the edge. With one leg still in the water, he brought his other one up to meet his chest. The blue light from the pool illuminated his features.

To some, it's just water. To me, it's where I regain my sanity. All my troubles wash away in the water...

Standing up, his mind began changing his surroundings. His eyes widened as he looked around. A man was standing at one side of the pool with the small gun. On every side of him, dozens of swimmers were lined up in a ready position. Looking ahead, his vision was orange. He touched his face, realizing he was wearing goggles and a swim cap.

"Ready!", the man on the intercom said.

Hesitantly, M/n got into his ready position. His heart was pounding against his chest rapidly. He shut his eyes tightly.

He opened them again when he heard the beep. Diving in, his body slipped through the water effortlessly. As soon as his face hit the water, his surroundings were normal again.

His hands guided his body through the water, seeming to remember what swimming like this felt like. His skin came in contact with water that was cooler than before.

Before he knew it, his hand touched the tiled wall of the pool. His feet touched the bottom as he stood there, drenched h/c bangs covering his eyes.

"Nagisa, why are we here?"

"Did you not see that? L/n-senpai was swimming like a pro", Nagisa whisper yelled as he looked through the binoculars.

Rei sighed at Nagisa's behavior. "Why are you trying so hard to get him to join?"

Nagisa removed the binoculars and looked at Rei. "Well...I guess it's because I see how much he loves swimming...You saw that trophy too, didn't you?"

"Yeah. I did."

"I wanna show him how much fun swimming is. To get him back. Obviously, something happened for him to quit. It's not medical reasons, so it should be okay."

"But, what if it's because of trauma?...I mean, look at him..."

He got out of the pool and dried himself off with the towel he brought with him. Pushing his h/c hair back, he slipped on a white button-up shirt before grabbing his bag.



Turning around, he spotted F/n running his way.

"What's up?"

"Some friends of mine asked me to go to the beach with them this weekend. We were wondering if you wanted to join us."

"The beach?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the familiar blonde goofball spying on him. His eyebrows furrowed with irritation.

"What are you looking at?"


"So, what do you say? Will you come?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"Awesome! I had a feeling you'd say no."

"Seems you know me too well."

"Then what made you change your mind?"

"Just figured a little vacay couldn't hurt. Especially since exams are in a few weeks."

"Are you gonna study this time?", F/n asked while putting her hand on her hip.

"Who knows?"

"What is it gonna take to convince you?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out. Anyway, I gotta head to class. See you around."

F/n became suspicious.

M/n's not the type to go to class on time, much less go early. What are you up to, doofus?

Turns out F/n's suspicions were right because he was not going to class. No. As he said before, he hated school with a passion.

He was on the roof, leaning against the railing as he overlooked the view.


"M/n L/n. L/n? Is he absent?", the teacher said as he looked around.

Makoto and Haru looked at each other, both thinking the same thing.


M/n stretched, hating the thought of PE. The absolute worst class ever is what he calls it.

"If the devil were a teacher, he would be teaching PE", he would always state when someone asked him about it.

Other times, he would say, "You need some holy water if you think PE class is fun."

Then, there was his signature quote, "Stay back, you heathens. You're just here to drag me to the living hell you call PE."

But, the thing is, M/n was good at sports. Though, that didn't mean he was the best player at it. He was just good enough to not be classified as someone who can't play the sport well. Everytime someone would point that out, he always replied with his quotes.


"You look like the devil fucked you over", F/n pointed out as they walked.

"No! Those demons smothered me in their dark magic!", M/n overreacted.

F/n rolled her eyes playfully. Honestly, this side of him never failed to make her laugh.

"Relax, you big baby. Classes are over for today. Anyway, when is your dad coming home?"

"Not for another month or so."

"How come?"

"Caught up with another gig."

"He sure does work a lot..."


"Don't you miss him? Even a little?"

"By now, I'm used to living alone. Besides, if he does come back, he's not living with me."

"Since when?"

"A few weeks ago. He called and told me he got a place for himself. But, it's still in the neighborhood. We won't be that far from each other. Said he wanted me to start living independently. It's totally not like it's always been that way", M/n said with sarcasm.

"Okay, M/n. So, what are you planning on doing once you graduate high school?"

"I don't know. But I mean, if you could get a job, who says I can't?"

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"I'm just kidding. I know you're a hard worker."

F/n's eyes widened. His words caught her off guard.

"See ya, F/n."

"B-Bye, M/n", she responded, still not being able to wrap her head around what he said.

He might act cold and harsh. But, he cares. And he shows it in his own little way. 

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