Chapter 26

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"All third years, please report to the gymnasium."

"M/n, come on. We have to go."

M/n got up and grabbed his bag, trailing behind F/#2/n and F/#3/n. They got to the gymnasium and looked towards the front to see the principal.

"Thank you for joining us today, third years. I have gathered you all here for a very important reason. As you all know, you have less than a month before you officially graduate Iwatobi High School. I hope you all met with Nakamura-sensei to discuss your future plans. We have done what we can to prepare you for the future. Now, it's up to you whether you'll take that knowledge and fly with it."

The principal continued speaking. M/n's gaze drifted towards the swimming pool that lie far from the window. He sighed, getting F/#2/n's attention.

"You okay?"


F/#2/n looked uncertain about M/n's answer. "You sure?"

"Yes, F/#2/n."



"So, what are you doing after high school, M/n?"



"I don't know...", he answered, walking ahead of them.

"Is he okay?", F/#2/n's classmate asked.

"With him...who really knows?"

Only F/n knew how M/n really felt...If only she were here...She would know what to do...

F/#2/n felt sympathy for his friend. He saw how much M/n wanted to swim, but the fear and the past held him back.

M/n decided not to attend the rest of his classes, so he walked out of the school. With no particular place to go to in mind, he simply let his feet guide him there. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of the place where he and F/n met.


"Hey. I'm F/n. What's your name?"


"Come on. Tell me. I told you mine", she giggled.


"Okay, M/n! Do you want to play with me?"

"I don't want to play."

She laughed. "Then, what do you want to do?"

"Just leave me alone."


She sat down on the grass next to me, putting her hands on her knees that were covered by her dress. "You look lonely already. Aren't you sad?"

"Go away..."



She showed me a closed eye smile. "Let's be friends! That way, you won't be lonely anymore!"


The wind blew his h/c hair to the side. His eyes were closed, simply enjoying the breeze that went by. But, his momentary peace could only last so long. The more he thought, the more the memories of the past came back to him. And the more they came back, the more vivid they became in his mind.

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