Chapter 19

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M/n sighed as he stared up at the ceiling. He had to stay in the hospital for one more day just to monitor his health. The tournament was in a week.

He was bored, to say the least. The hospital seemed like a depressing place to be. "Mr. L/n, your lunch is here."


The nurse waited for M/n to sit up before placing the meal on a mobile table in front of him. "I'll be back in a few to check on you."


Looking to his side, he saw his phone on the small stand beside him. He grabbed it and turned it on.

Still got some battery life to it.

Dozens of messages from M/n's friends made up 98% of his notifications. M/n finished up his meal and slid the mobile table away from him. "Mr. L/n?"

He looked up at the nurse who called his name. "Yes?"

"Some officers are here to talk to you."

The nurse stepped aside, allowing the officers to come in. "Mind if we talk to you, L/n?"

He nodded and motioned them to sit down. They did and looked straight at M/n. "We wanted to ask you some questions concerning the incident a few days ago."

"We have witness accounts, so don't lie to us."


"Yes, sir."

"Very well then. What exactly were you doing before this incident happened?"

"Walking home."

"When did the attackers approach you?"

"As I was turning a corner to go to my street."

"What provoked you to fight back?"

"It was self defense. They had a weapon."

"Weapon? What kind?"

"A blade."

"They were threatening you then?"


"Did you know these attackers?"

"Yes. It's also not the first time they've followed me."

"How many times has this happened?"

"Three. They didn't have a weapon the first time."


M/n stayed silent as F/n was driving him back home. "What's up? You've been quiet."


F/n sighed softly. "M/n...I get that you might still be mad at me for leaving--"

Before she could continue, she heard a loud snore. "M/n!!!"

All of a sudden, she hit the brake, launching M/n forward a little. But, it was enough for him to hit himself. "What wrong with you...?!", he shouted as he rubbed his head.

"Jesus! I thought you were mad at me!!"

"I am now! Tryna fucking kill me in my sleep!"

She sighed in frustration. "I thought...I thought maybe you were still mad about me leaving all of a sudden..."

M/n tilted his head when he saw tears falling down her cheeks. "You're my friend, M/n...! We've been through so much together...! If you suddenly became distant, I...! I don't know what I'd do...!", she sobbed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Come on now, F/n--"

He felt bad as she wiped her tears away only for them to be replaced by more. "What's up with you all of a sudden...?", M/n asked. "We used to fight all the're so emotional."

"Why do you think?", F/n said quietly, turning to M/n. "We're growing up, M/n...Pretty soon, we'll have jobs and a family-- I just...We're not the same anymore--"


"We'll be distant--"


Finally, F/n stopped talking and turned to him. "Listen to me. How long have we been friends now? 12 years, right?"

She nodded as she hiccuped, wiping her tears away. "Of course we're gonna change, F/n. You're not always gonna be the same height as a grade school kid. You're not gonna have the same body as a grade school kid. You're not gonna have the same voice as a grade school kid. We all change, F/n. We've been changing throughout these 12 years, and we'll keep changing. But, that doesn't mean that we're not gonna be friends. We'll have our fights, okay? It could be all in good fun or a serious fight. We'll always fight. But, that only means we're close enough to argue our points."

M/n then did something completely out of character. He hugged F/n. This took her by surprise. F/n's eyes widened before hugging him back just as tightly.


"It's getting late. You might as well stay here. You can leave tomorrow."

"Okay...", she said as she hesitantly sat down.

"What's wrong?"


"You act as if this is the first time you've been to my house."

"O-Oh! That's just because...Well, I haven't been here in awhile."

"Looks like it. You don't even know where the sofa is anymore", M/n said, noticing that F/n was sitting on the stand next to the sofa.

"Huh-- Oh!"

She got up and sat on the sofa beside it. M/n shook his head with a chuckle and went back to the kitchen. He began pouring F/n her favorite drink before heading back to the living room and handing the cup to her.

"So...What have you been up to since the last time we talked? I mean, besides the fact that you were in the hospital."

M/n thought for a little more before talking. "Well...I joined the swim club again--"




"Last week--"

"Oh, my god, M/n!!! I'm so happy!!"

"Let me talk, dammit!!!"


"N/n-senpai!!", Nagisa shouted as he ran towards M/n.

"Don't call me N/n, twerp", M/n said in irritation.

"I thought you liked that name. F/#2/L/n told me he called you that all the time."

"F/#2/n!!! Get your ass over here!! I'm about to beat your ass to the ground!!"

Makoto quickly held him back. "Not again, M/n...! Remember?! This is what got you in the hospital...!"

"I don't care!!", M/n shouted back as he tried to get to F/#2/n, who was hiding behind F/#3/n.


"There will be no school for a couple of days due to the holidays coming up. It's a time for family gatherings and thankfulness. So, with that, I hope you have a good thanksgiving, everyone."

M/n left class with a sigh of relief. But, that momentary peace was shattered to bits when F/#2/n called out to him. "N/n!!"

The girls around him giggled. "So cute~"

F/#2/n ran up to M/n with an annoying smile plastered on his face. "What do you want?"

"Nothing, N/n. I just wanted to walk home with you."

"Stop calling me N/n, you moron!"

A hit landed on F/#2/n's head. He laughed a little, though most of it was in pain. "Come on, M/n~ It's not that bad--"

"Say it one more damn time and I swear I will knock you unconscious!!!"

Ren giggled to herself as she watched M/n and F/#2/n conversing. Well, more like M/n was yelling and F/#2/n was annoying him. Her navy blue hair flowed down behind her as she walked away.

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