Chapter 21

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Warning: Lots of cussing, at least more than usual


M/n looked up at the building in front of him. "It's huge, isn't it?", Nagisa said with excitement. "I can't wait to start!"

"If you waste your energy now, you won't have any for the race."


"Let's head inside, yeah?"

Mrs Amakata noticed M/n's state and gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, L/n. Everything will turn out all right. Just give it your best. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, believe you can and you're halfway there."

"Thanks, Miss A..."

"Impress them. Show them the L/n they haven't seen yet."

She walked on ahead as M/n simply turned his attention back to the building. He felt a little sick. He tried to swallow his nerves as he forced himself to keep walking.

"Wow! It's even better on the inside!"

Dozens of schools were in the lobby. Some were making conversation with each other. "Hey. L/n."

M/n turned and saw one of his old swim club buddies. The guy walked up to him and slung his arm over his shoulder. "Hey, hey. It's been a while. How've you been?"


"The silent treatment, huh? Well, it's to be expected from you. So, I'm guessing you're here to race. Freestyle? Butterfly?"


The guy laughed and hit his back playfully. "I'll see you in the water, then, L/n. I can't wait to see what tricks you learned."

He let go of M/n and walked off. M/n's grip on the strap of his bag tightened. The others had turned around when the guy called out to M/n. The third year gave off a deadly aura as he glared at the guy's retreating figure.

"M/n, you okay?"

"Let's go."


M/n began walking ahead, leaving the others to wonder what suddenly changed in his attitude.


"Has anyone seen M/n-senpai?"

"No. He hasn't been around here."

"You think he might be in the locker room?"


"I'll go look for him", Nagisa said and began walking up the steps.

"I'm going too."

"Wait up, you guys!"

Haru trailed along behind Makoto, who was following behind Rei.

I hope he didn't get himself into trouble.

The sound of a locker being hit against filled the room. M/n glared at the guy who stood in front of him, holding him by the collar of his jacket against the lockers.

"You think you're some kind of hot shot, don't you?"


"Silent treatment, my ass. You just think you're too good to be talking to me."

Having had enough, M/n punched him, causing him to move back a little from the impact. The guy held his jaw before looking up and smirking. "Is that all you got?"

"You got some fucking nerve showing up here and acting all buddy buddy with me."

"Now, there's the L/n I always knew. Never could get a full sentence out with cussing."

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