The Hunt Begins

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3rd POV
The Shobijin sat on the living room table as Weiss sat with Danny, Ruby and Blake sat on the long sofa and Yang paced.
Yang: this entire day is screwed!
Weiss: why would the general want to attack Y/N? I mean Ironwood and Winter didn't.
Ruby: because he thinks it will fix his past.
The girls all looked at Ruby.
Blake: what was his past Ruby?
Ruby: happened like this.
Keith stood tall on a stage in the military base, looking at all of the soldiers and airmen looking back at him.
Keith: Ladies and Gentlemen! As you all know, the horrid beast that is Godzilla has died by the Atlas army's hand. This monster used to destroy cities for nothing, many believe it was to "protect us from other kaiju". If that was true, then how come Godzilla didn't lure the beast out or always wait for a city to be half destroyed? That's because it was all a hoax, it's just an animal fighting for dominance. An animal that killed my wife and child 10 years ago! we hunt down the remaining Kaiju and wipe them from the face of this earth. We have three individuals who know the location of the remaining Kaiju! They helped us find them and now we can finish what Ironwood and Schnee failed to do! In two hours I want you all prepped and ready, this is a war we, the Atlas Army, refuse to lose!
All the soldiers yelled out with their fists up, they were really willing to die for this cause of killing all of the Kaiju.
Ruby: that's what happened....I knew he was trouble the moment I read about him.
Weiss: so his family died in the cross fire with Megalon?
Ruby: he hasn't let it go, he's using all of his military budget to create an efficient Kaiju killer, designed specifically for Y/N....but now that he's gone, he'll probably use it to wipe out all the Kaiju if he gets it working in time.
Yang: well we have to stop him!
Blake: Yang, what good can we do? They found out how to hurt Y/N!
Yang: I don't know! But the point is that there's Kaiju out there that haven't even seen a city or anything to do with civilization, if they found out about Y/N's weakpoint, they'll be able to finish all the kaiju off. The prick may be a lunatic, but he's not a dumb one, he knows that if he knows he will win, he will take it.
Danny: like with Godzilla?
Yang: yes Danny......just like Godzilla.
He put his head down against his mother who placed her hand on his head.
Weiss: everything will be alright Baby.
At the Military Base the massive warships were being filled with soldiers and weapons of war.
Soldier: so we're doing it....we're killing all the kaiju huh?
Airman: yep, you know, I thought it was impossible to kill a Kaiju with something like a tank....always thought you needed another Monster to do the job. Well looks like our jobs got a lot easier.
Soldier: it also means less casualties.
Sailor: less casualties and hopefully bigger paychecks for taking down these things. They already pay good for everything else, why not make it more with Monster Hunting.
The soldiers, pilots, doctors and airmen all went on the massive warships. After an hour all of the boats, planes, helicopters and submarines were filled with men and women ready to kill Kaiju.
Meanwhile Beneath the Ocean, Almost 7 miles down.
Fish swam heavily around an area on the reef as if they were feeding. Next to the coral reef was a piece of a shattered dorsal plate from Godzilla, and some scales can be seen dropping to the sea floor. From within the massive feeding frenzy of small fish an air bubble shot upwards.

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