Radiation Spike

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3rd POV
Submarines went to the area where the small kaiju attacked the warship.
Sub Captain: what was that?
Crewman: Sir, information just received, a small Kaiju comparing to others, reaching Seventy meters, it's quick and smart, and it seems to be unafraid if anything.
Crewwoman: Radar picking up something big!
In the distance the small kaiju swam towards the submarine, it's orange eyes locked on to its target, though it wasn't moving at an attack speed, it was watching, seeing how close it could get, the weak points, and its strong points.
Sub Captain: Fire! The missiles!
The submarine fired two missiles from its starboard side, the small kaiju dodging them with ease. The Small kaiju then grabbed one of the missiles it dodged gently, shocking everyone in the sub.
Crewman: what is it doing?
The small kaiju launched the torpedo back at the submarine and within seconds the sub began blowing up, trailing from the front to the end, leaking radiation into the water. It then swam over to the destroyed sub and bit down on the most radioactive piece and began bringing it to the dark depths below.
Miranda: Sir! We lost a warship and a submarine.
Keith: what?!
Miranda: both destroyed by the same kaiju.
Keith: how is that possible?
Miranda: reports say it was small, had jagged dorsal plates and could launch a blast of green. It's said to be quick in the water, no one knows if it's fast or slow on land.
Keith: someone better find that kaiju and figure out its weakness and kill it, I refuse to be taken down by some tiny little beast. Godzilla is dead for a reason. Megan, go set up a staff meeting....NOW!
Miranda: yes sir.
She walked off as Keith stood in his office, he then punched the wall, leaving a massive crack in it.
In the Depths.
The Small Kaiju brought the irradiated Sub section and placed it down by the fish swarm. The fish swam away, leaving a chewed and bitten up human body. The small kaiju picked up the piece of irradiated submarine and placed it on top of the human body and let out a few air bubbles before swimming upwards some.
The body was being held down by the irradiated Metal, fish were no longer in the area, the closest thing was the small kaiju about a mile up, watching to see what happens. The body's eyes shot open and his hand tightened into a fist, the bite marks on his body were quickly healing.
RWBY and Oscar sat in the bar discussing how to attack Keith for what he did to Y/N and the other kaiju.
Oscar: knowing Keith, he probably remodeled the base atleast twice since he's taken over, Incase someone on the inside wants him dead, it will be harder for him to be found by someone who is used to everything else.
Yang: this guy honestly has a lot of nerve to attack the kaiju. I mean, they fight, I get it, but he's taking this way to far.
Blake: it's hard to talk with that kind of that. Some people believe that their actions are the right choice, regardless of how many innocence have died.
Weiss: everyone.....I don't mean to change the subject, but look at the tv.
The volume was turned up by the bartender.
News Reporter: now much is known but off the coast of Atlas a massive radiation spike occured, causing the ocean to flash as if a nuclear bomb went off in the distance. The water is white hot, and we advice no one goes into the water until further notice, this surge of radiation could last days, weeks, even months, we'll discuss more of this topic as the story unfolds.

War of the Gods (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz