"_________, I've heard they've got everything from criminology to biology and fashion to anything!" The smallest of the four shrugged, his voice held excitement and he smiled all together.

"All I'm saying is that we could all just end up going to the same college, then it could be settled so we wouldn't have to stress about this bull, now can I go order more ice cream for us?" Bill said, waving his spoon around as he spoke.

"This is our fourth cup of ice cream already, we've been here for three hours, ranting about life and school, of course you can get more ice cream!" Paz shouted, throwing her spoon at the raven haired male.

Dipper shifted in the demons lap, his spoon hanging from his mouth.

"But what's the chance we all even get accepted into the same school?" The brunet reasoned once more, his eyes showing lost hope that had Bill melting for all but a second.

"Oh my god, you were just saying how they have everything that we're interested in, I'm sure we're all into something separate, they will accept us." Bill reassured, patting the top of Dippers head.

"Hm, okay..." The brunet mumbled, getting up and plopping down on one of the other beanbags.

"The usual?" The tallest asks as he looks back at the three others.

"Get me mine with gummy bears this time!" Mabel shouts as Bill just chuckles and nods, leaving the three.

"How much money does your man have?" Paz asks out of the blue, her gaze shifting over to the brunet male.

"I don't know, he doesn't tell me, but from what I've seen he just uses a credit card." Dipper shrugged, getting nods of understanding from both females.

"Does he work at other places aside from the Shack?" Mabel spoke this time, throwing her ice cream bowl into the garbage near them.

The small shook his head, "not that I know of, yet Stan barely gets him working in the Shack and pays him mostly minimum wage."

"Then how does he have so much money in his pocket?" Paz asked, getting more curious.

"As I've said, he doesn't really talk about it, but I assume he's secretly rich or something..." The brunet murmured, also tossing his bowl in the garbage.

"Is that why he gets you so much stuff, too?" The brunette questioned, leaning back and moving hair out of her face.

"Yeah, I honestly don't care, I'm not much about money, but if it makes him happy to just get me things than I'm fine with it." The male twin shrugged, seeing Bill come up the stairs with yet another tray of ice cream.

"Here guys." Bill grinned, placing the tray on the table so everyone could grab theirs.

"You guys wanna play a game?" The taller brown haired asked, instantly taking bites of her ice cream.

"Sure, what game?" Paz looked over to the other female.

"Two truths and a lie." The smaller twin held back a laugh.

"Oh, that game? That one brings back a lot of memories." Dipper chuckled, going back over to Bill when he sat down, taking his spot on the demons lap.

"Two truths and a lie?" The said demon questioned, taking a rather big bite of his ice cream.

"It's where you say two true stories about yourself and one fake story you made up, then we have to guess which ones the lie, it's a great game that's also like a test!" Mabel smiled, putting her ice cream down to rub her hands together excitedly.

Love Me, Hurt Me (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now