Another Day

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Hey guys, I know it's been awhile, but hey I'm back on track! I had some writers block again, so I was dead for awhile, but I wanted to tell you guys that the fRICKEN SMUT IS GOING TO HAPPEN SOON.

The brunet grabbed a quick outfit and changed, looking at himself in the mirror when he was done.

He went with a loose white turtleneck and blue jean shorts that nearly touched his knees, then a pair of light blue socks and his white converses.

Everyone was gone, and like any other day the family was gone, Dipper went to the closet and got out his throwing knives.

"It wouldn't hurt to go after a larger target." The brunet mumbled to himself, looking down at his golden wrist watch.

"Everyone should be gone for a few hours, considering Bill went to help Mabel with shopping and to do his own." Dipper smiled to himself and started down the stairs.

"That means I have enough time to kill my target slowly." With that he left the house, making sure to lock the door behind him.

He walked into the forest and kept going deeper until he stood in front of a cave, a very familiar one.

"Bear?" Dipper called stepping into the shadow the cave casted.

"Dipper?" A deeper voice responded, the teen seeing multiple reflecting eyes open and stare at him from the darkness.

"Ah, there you are, I just came to ask a question." The brunet smiled, using his wand to create light within the cave.

"And what are your questions? I'm happy to answer." Multi-bear said, sitting down against the wall of the cave.

"I was just wondering...have the beast people still been a bother to you these years?" The human asked with a tilt of his head, his eyes boring into the multi-bear.

"Well, we are still sworn enemies, so yes, they have been a bother, but why ask?"

"Oh, no reason." Dipper smiled, sitting down beside the large bear.

"I just remember when I first met both of you guys on the same day." The mortal started, looking for normal conversation.

"Ah, yes, I see, I was finally able to be friends with someone who listened to Babba." Multi chuckled, watching Dipper play around with his throwing knives.

He wasn't scared of Dipper, he knew of the humans bloodlust and "dark" side, but ever since the twin had started with his killing, he would bring the bodies to him and feed the multi-bear.

"Yeah, I didn't think there would be anyone who'd be friends with me for listening to such things." The brunet shrugged, starting to chew on his bottom lip out of nervousness.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that we are ourselves and we became closer because of it." All the small could do was chuckle lightly and nod.

Afterwards he stood up and smiled at the multi-bear.

"Yeah, and we've become surprisingly close over the years." Dipper said, putting the knives away in his pocket.

"Now, how would you feel about manitors for dinner?" Questioned the brunet.

"I think that'd be nice." Multi-bear laughed.

Dipper wandered on, looking for a sign that the manitors have been around.

He knew that they had to be close to somewhere in Gravity Falls.

After awhile he did find a few snapped trees around the area he stood in.

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