Fckin Hėll

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"Bill! Please help me look for it!" Dipper was crouched down, trying to look under his bed for something.

"I don't know, Pine Tree, I kinda like the view from here." The demon smirked, standing against his bedpost while staring at the brunets backside.

"Bill! I'm serious. I have to go to work today!" Dipper whined, turning to glare up at the demon with a deep blush taking up his face.

"Alright, I know where it is..." Bill chuckled, going over to Dippers closet and reaching up to grab something from the top part.

"Here. Now finish getting ready so I can drop you off." The brunet snatched his hat from the taller male, then slipped it on.

"I am ready." Dipper grumbled, grabbing his messenger bag and walking out the door to go down the stairs to the main floor.

Bill wasn't too far behind the smaller male, being right on his heels.

"You ready to go?" Bill asked, rubbing the smalls lower back.

"Definitely, anything to get out of here." The brown haired male gave a small smile.

"Then let's go, sweet cheeks." The black haired male took hold of the male twins hand with his own.

"Wait! Guys, can I ask you something?" Mabel rushed over, grabbing Bill by his arm as if to bring him closer to whisper to both the males quietly.

"Finn needs a ride home, he forgot where his house is but he remembers the street name, plus we're kind of a couple miles away from the town." Mabel said with a cheerful smile, yet a mischievous look in her eyes.

Dipper glared harshly at her.

"Why can't Ford give him a ride home? He could've done it much earlier, I have to get to work." Dipper whispered with a sneer wanting to unleash, he held it back so he just frowned deeply.

"Ford is working. Stan is sleeping." Mabel shrugged, raising a brow at her brother, smiling afterwards.

"Bill?" Mabel looked at the demon, curiosity etching onto her face.

"Uhh, sure." Bill shrugged, his eyes trailing down to the smaller person beside him.

All the brunet could do was turn around and walk out, not a word leaving him.

"I'll go get Finn." Mabel said tensely, having not seen her brother with such an attitude.

"Just hurry up, this is getting difficult as the seconds go by." Bill murmured, scratching the back of his head.

With that Mabel rushed out, going to fetch the ginger.

"Finn! Hurry up, they're waiting, or well Bill is waiting." Mabel took the Ginger's wrist in her hand and tugged him up, he flinched at the sudden contact but went along with it, no words escaping him.

Once Bill seen the orange haired male he started to make his way out, the said smaller male followed behind him.

When the two got to the car, they see Dipper in the front seat, he had earbuds in.

The two slipped into the car and Bill started it up right away.

*Bills PoV*

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