Morning Sunshine

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*Dippers PoV*

"How is he?" I asked as I stood up from the couch, Ford had to clean up the guys eye, said that the guy had been punctured in the eye very badly by some crystals, seeing as a huge yellow crystal had been sticking out from his eye, and his nose had been broken while his arms were just messed up with scratches all over his body.

By the end of the night I had let him sleep in my room while I slept on the floor with a sleeping bag.

I sat beside my bed, looking over the man that laid there, his right eye had a gauze over it and his very deep cuts were taken care of, his arm had multiple scratches and a deep gash that I stitched up.

He looked around twenty, but it was hard to tell with all the gauze on his face and body.

He stirred in his sleep, he had to be getting up at any moment, he's been asleep for thirteen hours, and I'm pretty sure he could sleep even longer considering his condition.

"So sore..." He grumbled out, I looked up to meet his icy blue eye, his freckles complimented his features.

"Do want me to get you some pain killers?" I said aloud, to which he nodded, turning onto his side to face me.

He stared at me intensely, making heat rise to my cheeks in embarrassment, I wasn't much to stare at, I mean I'm as ugly as could be.

"You look beautiful..." I bit hard on my lip, standing up abruptly to go fetch those pain meds.

*Bills PoV*

I opened my eyes to meet brown ones, I felt a surge of pain run through me and I wanted to laugh but I'm in the Pines house and I'm sure they'd guess who I was if I laughed at the face of pain.

I groaned instead, "So sore.." I grumbled, catching Pine Trees attention, he looked me in the eyes, a tiny blush appearing on his sweet cheeks.

"Do you want me to get you some pain killers?" I nodded my head, rolling into my side to look at him and take in his features.

Boy, this kid has changed a lot, he didn't seem so sweaty or awkward anymore and he was just up to my chin, he was still short though, and it seemed like his hair was more fluffy.

'I'm not much to stare at, I mean I'm as ugly as could be..'

I frowned at the retched thoughts going through his head.

"You look beautiful..." I murmured out, he bit his lip and left the room in a hurry.

I immediately sat up in the bed, it was comfortable, but I was feeling unsettled, I just couldn't hold still for so long or my body would start to tingle in a weird way.

"God dammit..." I murmured as I stood from the bed and limped into the hallway, Pine Tree was just walking back up the stairs when I started to limp my way to the bathroom.

"Hey, you need to lay back down, you're in really bad shape and-.." I looked over my shoulder and smiled weakly, god I needed to take a piss.

"Well, unless you want me to piss your bed then I'll gladly go back to your room." He stiffened and went straight to his room while I went to the toilet to do my business.

*Dippers PoV*

I sat down on my bed while holding the pain killers in my right hand and a glass of water in my left.

I waited for the man to get back, it wasn't long until he limped back into the room.

"Well, what happened to me last night?" I opened my mouth but shut it quickly as I tried to think of how to explain.

Before I started talking I handed him the pain killers and the water.

He popped the pill in and swallowed a little bit of water down.

"You fell at our front door last night, you were extremely injured, you had a crystal punctured into your right eye, another went through your left foot, your nose is broken, and I had to stitch up your right arm..." I pointed out, he looked down at his right arm, a scowl on his face like he was more concerned about the stitches than his foot.

"Dammit, I just got those tattoos..." I looked at his arm, nothing was there, and I started to think that this guy may have escaped from a mental institution.

It would explain why he seemed to be attacked by someone, and if he has escaped an institution, then what are we gonna do with him, I mean if they treat him like this then he shouldn't go back, but if he stays he might be a wanted psychopath.

"I don't see any tattoos, mister." He looked back up at me, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"Sorry, forgot that you couldn't see them." He said while raising his hand and touching his arm and swiftly brought it down along his forearm, and while his fingers traced the outlines of his strong arms black ink started to form like droplets all collecting together.

My mouth hung open, I was in complete shock.

I couldn't believe this guy knew magic, the Hidden Spell was quite difficult and hard to master, it took me a month to have it memorized.

I had to admit, I was jealous that he had did that right in front of me, even when I still couldn't do it properly without accidentally making my whole entire self turn invisible.

"Who are you?" I blurted out, I was also wanting to ask a billion other questions, but I fought against it.

"Pine Tree, I'm pretty sure you know who I am, or did you forget?"

My heart stopped and dropped to my feet, blood no longer existed on my face.

What the hell is Bill Cipher doing back?!

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