Chapter 13:Brother and his Tricks!

Start from the beginning

"TeLl mE m0Re aBoUT hIm."He orders

"I....I...oH wHerE d0 I start? InK, y0u kNow hiM bY rUmor as creAtor oR dEFender of AUs, meMbEr Of Star SaNSes, bUt tHerE's s0 mUcH mOrE! He'S so KinD, hOnEsT, hELpfuL, anD jUstiFyInG. He'S sO uNdErStAndInG AnD hE sAvEd mE bUt OrIgInAted fRom a sPacE lIke an AnTi-Void. He'S sucH a greAt frieNd-wArNiNg He pUkEs InK whEn eXcitEd, nErvouS, SCared, or SuRpRised. He'S So cUte wIth hIs liL' rAinBow BluSh or hiS eyeS and Ink thIngY. Ah, InK..."I babble, then speak before I could think of what I was doing

I felt my face warm up quickly as I realize the loving and honest tone I had in everything I said

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I felt my face warm up quickly as I realize the loving and honest tone I had in everything I said. I look at my bro and he's crying with a grin. I step back and he hands me my puppet.

"D-D-Don'T qUOtE mE oN ThAt! ThAt sTaYs BeTWeEn uS, okAY bRo?"I tell him

He obviously ignored me.

"AwW, mY bR0 iS iN l0Ve! Oh! D0n't wOrRy, br0TheR! I, thE GreAt ErrOr!PaPs, ShAlL hElP y0u wItH tHe lOvE!"my bro claims

My phone rang. I check it to be a text from Blue. Thank the Stars. Wait! Here's a chance to introduce my bro to everyone!

"Ya...okAy bRo. HeY I g0t aN InvItE t0 hAnG oUt. I'M taKiNG y0u WiTh mE. ThIs'Ll bE a ChAncE f0r y0u t0 meEt sOmE oF tHeM!"I cheer, opening a portal to Blue's place, which was newly fixed.

I look around to find Swap! Pap sitting on the couch with Dream and Dust. Cross and Reaper, haven't seen him in a while, were chatting. Ink was doodling in a sketchbook in the corner. The oven was dinging so I could guess Blue was in the kitchen making tacos. I tuck my Ink puppet away. Swap!Pap saw me and teleports over.

"What are you doing here?"Swap!Pap asks coldly

"I wAs iNvIteD bY yOuR bRo."I say

"Well I didn't, so you better-"Swap!Pap begins

I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder and someone press against me from behind.

"He bEtTeR WhAT?"A voice asks

I look behind me to find my bro there with his gloved hand on my shoulder.

"Oh! E!Pap, good to see ya! I-"Swap!Pap begins, stepping back

"AnSwEr mE. He bEtTeR wHat? ThIs iS mY bR0 anD thOuGh hE's bEen bAd iN thE paSt, He'S chAngEd. AnD diDn't hE sAve hiS fRiEnd, yOur bRo and GaVe y0u a ChAnce tO esCaPe? So, aNsWeR tHe qUeStiOn."my bro says, narrowing his eyeholes

"Brother! You better not be scaring off guests!"Blue yells from the kitchen.

"Oh ya, that's true. I was gonna say that he should leave. But, you brought up some good points, plus I don't want my bro to be mad at me. He's your bro, which must mean there's some good in him. My apologies."Swap!Pap says, nodding and sitting back down

"GoOd."my bro says with a grin

"YoU knOw hIm?"I ask

"He tElEpoRtEd to My anTi-vOid OnE daY to eScApe NighTmaRe. He eXpLaiNed wHat yA diD tHat dAy, aNd hE's mY buD. PaPyRuSES uNiTe!"E!Pap explains

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