Chapter 17: Secrets

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“Hermione, dear, are you done packing yet?” Mrs. Weasley asked Hermione the day before they took off for Hogwarts. Hermione, who had packed two days ago nodded at Mrs. Weasley.

“I’m just waiting for my pajamas out of the washing.” She said.

“I’ll get that for you, and oh! Tell Ron to hurry up so all of you won’t be late for tomorrow again.”

“Sure, Mrs. Weasley.” She smiled. Mrs. Weasley turned and got out of the dining room to the back door. Hermione started reading Hogwarts; A History again, preferring to be alone again since she had that conversation with Ron.

Never has it occurred to her what Ron felt for the last few months. But he seemed happy though, and he was already talking to her despite what she did. No, Ron is a man. He knows what right and there’s nothing to get worried about but Draco. She’s happy with Draco and that’s that, she could not doubt it … not now.

Hermione was about to get up and leave when the door opened, revealing Ginny.

“There you are! Come outside, you need air.”

“Why aren’t you with Harry?” she said as she put down the book.

“Nah, I just think he needed a little time for himself, after all, we’re going to be together for the rest of my life.”

“Oh,” They walked silently out of the house.

“Ginny, I was thinking …” Hermiione started.

“That you should break up with Malfoy and get back to Ron?” Hermione looked taken aback.

“How did you-?”

“Ron is my brother, Hermione. You keep forgetting that. But, please Hermione, you keep hurting him, so just stick with Malfoy if you really want him. Or make a decision before you make another move.”

“You think?” Hermione looked down on her feet.

“Yeah, I do.” One thing with Ginny is, she says what she has to say directly. Hermione would never have that courage.

Then a voice called from there back. “Oi! Ginny.”  Harry’s voice shouted.

“What?!” she yelled back.

“Come here, please. I’ve got something for you.” Ron appeared in the background smiling in a nasty way.

Ginny sighed. “Looks like Mr. Potter needs me, see you Hermione.” And then Ginny walked, leaving Hermione alone again.

She started to walk back to the Burrow and read in their bedroom before anything else happens. She was just up the back door when she heard Ginny scream and yelled; “You keep that away from me you two IDIOTS!”

Hermione woke up with a silent tap on the door. She opened her eyes, clearly, out the window, it’s still dark. They could get to Hogwarts this afternoon but she was desperate to see Draco again. And besides, the earlier, the better. She’s Head Girl after all.

“Why so early?” Ginny yawned.

They got up and got dressed, when they got down it was time for breakfast. Mrs. Weasley was reminding the others what they need to bring. After eating three whole eggs and two bacons, they were ready to go.

“ … and pack up your pajamas Ronald, they’re still in the washing. Harry, dear you keep Ginny safe now, would you?” Mrs. Weasley said sweetly, Harry smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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