The letter

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  • Dedicated to Mary Jovanne Flores <3 (My best friend)

A/N: Waah ! I've been so busy >.< Sorry guys !

Belated Happy Birthday to me :DD

I'm 14 now ! ((:


The news about the engagement had been trending for three days. Harry and Ginny are getting loads of attention which they enjoyed, and being a legally engaged couple were their greatest moments.

Due to attraction, Hermione kept staying away from them if there are too many people around. She doesn’t want get caught up with that. She was in speaking terms with Ron again which made her life a little bit easier.

Fall had started a long time ago, and by now, the last of the leaves were falling from the trees. Hermione felt gloomier as she watched them one by one sliding down on the branches. It was sunset on November; again, she was sitting in her study on her bedroom doing homework. By nine this evening, she would be doing her Head Girl duties alone. Assuming Malfoy with goes with her, she had given up thinking about it; after all, their friendship or whatever they did was nothing to her anymore.

Someone knocked on her door fifteen minutes later.

“Hermione,” Ginny’s voice said.

“It’s open.” The door opened and Ginny entered, sitting n her bed.

“Hey, what’re you doing?”

“The usual.”

“Elf rights?”

“Nope, homework, silly.” She laughed.

“So, wanna come to dinner? We’ve just been at Hagrid’s.”

“How is he?”

“He’s fine, although looking for you again and guess what?”

“What?” although Hermione knew where this would lead.

“He’s coming at the wedding!” she said brightly.

“Of course he would, he’s one of our best mate.” Hermione said still not distracted on her paper.

“Although, he mentioned that he was just as good as dad on acting like a parent to Harry.” Ginny pouted.

“Don’t take him too seriously; we all know he’s joking.”

“I know, but Harry’s feeling guilty.”

“Don’t worry about it. How’s Ron, anyway?”

Ginny grinned. “Why?”

“You know …”

“He could do his homework quite well, you know. He only pretends he can’t do it so you would notice him.”

Hermione blinked. “Really?”

Ginny laughed. “Yeah, quite a git, right?”

“I’m gonna kill him!”

“Don’t be like that, he’s managing himself now.”

“I’m still gonna kill him.”

Ginny laughed again. “At least he knows what to do.”

Hermione stood up, and pushed her parchment and quill in a corner.

“Boys!” she started, “Can’t they just say it directly?”

“Dunno what they do in their world,”

“You know, sometimes I wonder what plays on their minds.” Hermione said then lay on the bed next to Ginny.

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