Now or Never

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A/N: To my most loved fans and the ones who are going to stick up with my dear Draco and Hermione till the end, I give you my apologies for uploading really late. :D LOL ! Busy at school and SSG activities ! >.< I'm terribly sorry ! :) So here's one of Ron's moments:

Again, enjoy reading ! :D


Hermione was walking up the Gryffindor common room after lunch; she had made up her mind. She’s doing it, now or never ‘till she hurts another feeling.

It was Saturday, three days had passed. Three days of guilt whenever she sees Ron. Three days that passed since that kiss happened and the same night they slept at the same room.

How could she let this happen?

Sure, she and Ron had seen each other but she dare not go up and speak to him. It was Malfoy’s attention she was enjoying. The way he winks at her at class or in the corridors, the way they’re eyes usually met and he would smile. The point of him visiting her in him room every night just to see and ask her how the day was, resulting to more hugs and kisses and more sleepovers.

Then after what  seemed like a second, she was there. In front of the portrait of the fat lady who was staring at her, waiting for the password.

This is it. Hermione, you need to this. You have to.

“Are you going in or not?” the Fat Lady asked grumpily.

Hermione sighed. “Pigfarts”

“Indeed.” Then it opened revealing the circular dormitory inside it.

Hermione found Harry and Ginny in a corner doing homework and a few fourth years there. It was almost empty; people would probably be outside enjoying the last days of summer sunshine before the cold weather enters.

“Harry,” she whispered as she sat down.

“Hermione, tell me the truth, have you been avoiding us?”

“No!” she said suddenly but Harry continued to look at her.

“Okay,” she sighed. “I did well it’s just …”

Then she whispered what she was going to do.

“WHAT?!” Harry blurted out.

“Harry, please. Please understand.”


“It’s because, because … ohh, Harry, I can’t tell you!”

“You’re ditching Ron and you can’t tell me?!”


“Is there any reason at all?”

“Of course but-“

“Then WHY, Hermione. WHY? Did your relationship even mean anything to you?”

“How could you say that? What, you think I don’t care?”

Harry kicked the wall, anger against his brilliant green eyes.

“We’ve been friends for years; I don’t want it to end.”

“Why would it end?”

“Hermione, don’t you understand at all?”

“Harry, you should understand it!”



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