Halloween Night

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A/N :: Dedicated to rebeccadevore! :)) Because she commented two minutes before i was gonna update ! HAHAH .. I found it funny LOL <3

So anyway guys, this is kinda hard and a bit corny but I'll be glad that you appreciate it just the same. I love you ! My readers ! :***

You keep the sun shining in my world !


“You sure you’re not coming? You could do some relaxation, you know.”

Hermione waved at Harry as they exited the Great Hall toward the marble stone steps on their way to Hogsmead with Ron and Neville.

“No, I really need to get on with some things.”

“You work too much, you know that? I’ll take back loads of sweets from Honeydukes for you.”

“Sure, where’s Luna and Ginny?”

Harry grinned at the other two.

“They’ll be perfectly fine without us.” Ron said.

“Okay, bye! See you tonight.”

“Bye!” they shouted back.

Hermione turned around walked silently towards the library where she plans to spend the rest of the day. Madam Pince was in an outrage when she arrived, although she always has been but smiled as Hermione passed and asked her if she could camp out in the library for the whole day.

“I’ll be at the corner, Professor.”

“Yes, yes … Miss Granger, if you ever need anything.” She said, eyeing her carefully.

Hermione nodded and walked up at a small table perfect for a person who wants to take up loads of books and read.

She left her bag and started searching through the whole library about Magical Creature rights. She was still preferred to stand up for S.P.E.W. and add to the contribution for elfish welfare.

After gathering up almost all of the books in the section, Hermione sat down silently and started reading and scribbling down notes about everything she could muster.


All of them had been slaves since the start of centuries; it has been tradition that a house elf must serve only one family throughout the generation.

“What rubbish! I wonder why people can’t see that!” She whispered angrily as she pulled another book from her pile.

After scribbling down loads more about Elfish right, Hermione gave up and decided she needed to get a move on about her charms essay.

She gathered all of her books and placed them where she got it or Madam Pince will haunt her blood knowing that she had ripped, tore, shredded, bended, folded, defaced, disfigured, smeared, and smudged, threw, dropped, or in any other manner damage, mistreated, or showed lack of respect towards any particular book, by now, she would be dead.

Hermione silently laughed at the idea of Madam Pince about books, but like her, Hermione would’ve hex anyone ripping, tearing, shredding, bending, folding, defacing, disfiguring, smearing, and smudging, throwing, dropping, or doing any other manner damage, mistreating, or showing lack of respect towards any particular book.

She walked towards the Charms section, when she passed the door labeled: Restricted Section. She couldn’t help but hear the whispering noise inside the room, making her feel like entering in there.

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