An Evil Side Against Love

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“You could join us at Hogsmead you know,” They were at Hagrid’s hut, it’s been four weeks since October started, and Malfoy hadn’t been able to talk to her since then. Although, Hermione saw him hand in hand and talking to Pansy Parkinson once.

Harry was inviting her to join them in Hogsmead the following Sunday, but Hermione kept disagreeing since she knew Malfoy wasn’t going also. Why does she always have to ditch her friends for him? Those weeks that she had been waiting for him, his promise did not happen. But up to now, she was still trying to reach him. Everything has been tough, but thanks to Harry, Ginny and all of her friends, her heart was kept light. She Ron and Ron were friends again but it weren’t the same, usually Ron does was nodding at grinning but not really speaking to her.

“I’m sorry, Harry, I really don’t want to.”

“Hermione, you shouldnt’ve to work so well, yer doing pretty good, yer need to rest.”

“No, Hagrid, I just don’t want to go, besides, the new game of the season is in a week, Harry. You should be training.”

“Right, since when did you care about Quidditch then?”

“Just now, see you haven’t been training. And you’re Quidditch captain.”

“Don’t worry; we’ll train this week, right Ron?”

Ron who was still quiet spoke. “I’m banned till the first game, Harry.”

Harry pouted. “I forgot, we need a keeper then.” He said.

“Right, so you should not go to Hogsmead.” Hermione said in an obviously tone.

“Aright, enough with class. It’s really late; yer three should go, nice seeing y’all.” Hagrid said and smirked.

Harry, Ron and Hermione started to walk up the stone steps to the castle. Hermione sighed, when would it be that Malfoy would be with her? They walked and accompanied Hermione to their common room, as she entered, there was surprise.

Malfoy was sitting on her bed pacing up and down.

“Oh.” Hermione said as she shut the door.

“Hey,” he smirked

“What are you doing here?”

“Why are you being so mean?” he stood up and walked towards Hermione.

“Don’t you miss me?”

“And why would I miss you?”

“Hermione …”

“Go away, Malfoy.” she said in the coldest voice she could muster though it hurts her.

Malfoy looked at her coldly and then he walked fast through the door.

“Stupid!” Malfoy kicked the wall in anger. He punched it with tears flowing in his cheeks.

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” he repeated, still punching the wall in his bedroom.

How could he let this happen? How could he be falling in love with Hermione Granger? That filthy little mudblood. He wanted only wanted to play with her, to give her feelings that would make her feel special even though there’s nothings special about her other that her ugly bushy hair and he would not be surprised if a bird jumps out of it.

He promised himself, he would not dare, not ever dare, to go out with her or kiss her even if their the last person on earth and every time he looks at her he gets butterflies in his tummy (dramatic pause.)

But then, now? He was so close … so close in asking her for forgiveness. For that stupidity he did for leaving her when she needed him most.

He was afraid, afraid of what was becoming of them he thought he could keep it, but –no! Every time he looks at her the butterflies he was imagining were becoming real. Every time they kiss he didn’t want to end it, afraid of that horrible moment, but afraid of what was going to be next.

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