Chapter 16

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Stiles and I head to the mechanic's shop to try and fix his Jeep.

The mechanic thinks he knows best causing Stiles to say in annoyance, "Hey! Hey? Wh--what do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter."

The mechanic nods sarcastically. "Yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system has got to be replaced here."

Stiles frowns. "Why do I get the feeling you're slightly over-estimating the damage?"

"It's probably gonna run you around like twelve hundred parts and labor."

Stiles scoffs. "Are you kidding? This thing doesn't have a catalytic converter. And yes, I know what a catalytic converter is."

"Do you know what a limited slip differential is?"


"Yeah, coming on more like fifteen hundred." The mechanic cuts in.

"Okay. Just finish. I'll be back here, seething with impotent rage!"

Stiles crosses his arms and I touch the door handle, feeling a sticky liquid and Stiles touches the handle moments later. He frowns in disgust. "Oh. Nice. It's real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running here."

The mechanic doesn't answer causing Stiles to mutter, "Figures."

I feel myself falling to the ground. I can't move and it's a terrifying feeling. Stiles falls to the ground as well. I see a picture of the mechanic in Beacon Hills lacrosse uniform.

Through the waiting room window, I see the Jeep over the mechanic looming closer and closer to him. "Watch out!"

Stiles looks at the mechanic and tries to get his attention. "No. Hey. Hey! Hey! Uh."

The mechanic starts begging. "Help me. Help me. Help! Help--Help me. Help me. Help me." His cries are cut off as the Jeep crushes him. In the midst of this, Stiles manages to dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator asks.

I try to speak, but I can't do anything except watch, seeing that Stiles feels the same.

A lizard creature comes up to the glass door of the waiting area and lets out a hiss directed towards me and Stiles.

After what seems like hours, the police show up and Sheriff Stilinski asks, "What happened?"

"We walked in and saw the Jeep on top of that guy." I tell the sheriff.

He frowns, almost as though he knows I'm lying. "I'll ask again. What happened?"

Stiles sighs. "She told you. We just--we walked in and we saw the Jeep on top of the guy, that's all."

"What's wrong with your hands?"

Stiles and I share a look. "Nothing. Can we just get out of here now?"

"Look, if there's something you don't think you can tell me--"

Stiles scoffs. "You think we're lying?"

Sheriff Stilinski shakes his head. "No, of course not. I'm just worried about you. Now, if you saw someone do this, if you're afraid that maybe they're gonna come back and make sure you don't say anything about it--"

"We didn't see anything. At all." Stiles repeats. "Can we go now please?"

Sheriff Stilinski nods. "Sure. But not in your Jeep. We're gonna have to impound it. Sorry kid, evidence. I'll see you at home. Make sure Megara gets back to Scott's safely."

Stiles sighs in defeat. "Alright, well, at least make sure they wash it."

Scott comes to pick us up since we don't have a car and he asks, "You two okay?"

Through the Dark // S.S. [Book One]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora