Chapter 5

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Since being here, I haven't had a chance to go to the video store to get a movie to watch. I make my way to the video store and search around for Star Wars. I could do with some epic intergalactic space wars.

As I'm searching for Star Wars, I hear a voice question, "Can somebody help me find The Notebook? Hello? Is anybody working here? You gotta be kidding me."

I walk to another row and let out a shocked scream seeing a guy bathing in his blood, most definitely dead. "Gods." I breathe.

Jackson walks over to me and sees what I'm looking at. The clerk's neck has been ripped open and he's practically bathing in his blood. Jackson grabs my hand and backs up. He crashes into a ladder, which hits something and causes the lights to go out.

I hear growls and tense up. Jackson's eyes widen and a beastly figure with red eyes appears. I duck into an aisle, and Jackson ducks into one to the left of mine. The shelves begin falling and I feel my ankle snap. When I glance down, it's starting to swell and is bruising. I bite my lip in pain and turn to Jackson.

His lower half is trapped. I grab the leg with the broken ankle and hiss in pain as I manage to release it. I shift towards the middle as the Alpha appears. It growls at me, but decides since it can't reach me easily, to go over to Jackson.

The Alpha places a claw on the back of Jackson's neck as Jackson breathes heavily. Moments later, the Alpha runs off, breaking through the window. Jackson flicks his eyes to me and whispers. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, I'm good."

"That snap didn't sound good. Are you sure you're--"

"I'll be fine."

Sirens resound shortly after and I sigh in relief as I rub my ankle, immediately regretting that decision. Officers with guns appear moments later and lift the shelves. A deputy pulls me up gently and questions if I can walk.

I nod, determined to walk by myself. I stand up and immediately lean on the deputy as he scoops me up in his arms.

He walks outside and sets me gently on the edge of an ambulance. Lydia rushes over to me when she sees me. "Thanks." I reply softly, earning a smile.

I rest my head against the side of the wall, just wanting to get back to Scott's and heal and sleep.

Jackson glares at the sheriff. "Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine."

"Gods." I mumble.

A familiar sarcastic voice yells excitedly, "Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?"

He suddenly sees me and stumbles over to me. As he brushes my hair from my face, he asks softly, "Meg, are you okay?"

"I just wanna go back to Scott's and deal with this fudging ankle."

"I'll take you. Can you walk?"

This time, determined to walk, I step down and feel like I can do it, but then my ankle betrays me and I fall, bracing to hit the ground. Instead, strong arms grab me. Stiles picks me up in his arms, like the deputy did.

We get to Scott's house and Stiles continues carrying me as I point up the stairs. "Why there?"

I bite back a pained sob as I answer, "I need water. Heals me."

Stiles brings me to the tub and I rest my ankles on his legs as he turns on the water. I run my hand through the water and feel the rush of power, causing me to sigh in relief.

"Nothing bad will happen, right?" Stiles asks worriedly.

"No, not this time."

"This time?"

Through the Dark // S.S. [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now