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Megara's POV:

I stare up at the ceiling in the Poseidon cabin enjoying the smell of the breeze. My peace comes to an end when my brother runs in.

He taps his foot anxiously. "Chiron needs to talk to you about something. He wouldn't tell me what it is."

We walk to the Big House and Percy insists on staying. When we get to the Big House, I sit down in front of Seymour as Chiron tosses him a piece of meat.

"Why did you call me, Chiron?" I ask as he pulls me into his office.

He meets my eyes with a slightly narrowed expression. "There is a town in California with strange things going on."

"Where in California? What's going on?"

"Beacon Hills, California. It is a town full of supernatural activity." Chiron explains.

"Supernatural creatures. Why doesn't that surprise me?" I mumble.

Chiron sighs. "I think it'd be a good idea to send you there to see what exactly is in that town. I would send Percy, but he's been through a lot."

"I would agree with you there. Okay, well, what about school or a place to live or even knowing who the supernatural creatures are?"

Chiron gives a small smile. "That will be up to you to figure out. You will have mortal cash and golden drachmas so you can contact camp. Your scent will be masked so that your cover won't be blown."

"Good. Good. When do I leave? I can't wait to go across the country."

"I know you don't want to leave, but you must. Should you choose to accept, I'll leave you with a parting gift."

"I accept the quest or whatever it may be." I say with a nod.

Chiron nods. He stands up and walks towards me, his tail swishing behind him. He gives me a bracelet with a blue-green gem in the middle. "This will send a signal to Percy if you are ever in serious trouble. You already know you can call for Blackjack or any one of the Pegasi and the sea creatures too."

"Thanks, Chiron. I promise I'll succeed."

Once again, Chiron nods. "I know you will."

I leave Chiron's office and find Percy talking to the fish. I give him a smirk. "He says I'm prettier. Uh, anyway, I need to tell you something."

I begin telling him about Chiron wanting me to go to Beacon Hills, California. He glares and shakes his head. "There's no way I'm letting my little sister go across the country to some obscure town without me!"

"Percy, you've been through a lot. It's my turn. Besides; Chiron gave me a bracelet that I can use to contact you for help. I also have gold drachmas to use so I can contact camp."

Percy nods slowly and pulls me into a hug. "I don't like it, but I know you can take care of yourself."

"Thanks, Perce. Hey, can you, uh, explain to my parents where I am? Make up a lie about visiting a pen pal or something."

"Sure thing. Stay safe and if you are in trouble, don't hesitate to call for help."

"You know I won't."

With one last hug, I walk out of the Big House and began packing up some necessary essentials. My ride arrives and I see that it's none other than Apollo. I suppose he made sense. His chariot is fast and able to get me across the country.

I hop on, and soon enough, we're there. He leaves me with one of his usual haikus. "Apollo says bye. This place is no easy task. Good luck with it all."

I chuckle. "Wow. It wasn't actually about you for once."

Apollo shrugs. "Well, I did start off with my name, but I suppose not. Be careful in this town. You have no idea what awaits you."

With that, he leaves. A car rams into me and I fall down in pain. A girl comes out and turns to a woman with short red hair. "Mom, you hit her! Oh, my God! Are you okay?"

"I'll live."

"We should get you to a hospital. Come on."

They drive me to the hospital and a woman with shoulder length brown curly hair checks me out. "You're lucky you have a few abrasions on your skin. I'm surprised it's nothing worse."

"Um, do you have some water?" I ask.

The woman nods and hands me a cup of water. I drink it and feel the wounds healing. Normally, I have to be in water, but sometimes just drinking water works for minor injuries. Eventually, the woman, whose name I find out is Melissa, comes back into my room.

She checks me over and smiles. "I think you're going to be just fine, Megara. I've got your discharge papers here. Do you have a place to stay?"

"Uh, no. I just got here."

Melissa smiles again. "I have a room, if you're interested."

I nod. "That'd be great, but I don't want to impose."

"You're not imposing. I'm offering. I'll call Scott to come pick you up."

Moments later, she sighs. "He's not answering. Maybe his friend will."

She calls someone named Stiles and soon enough, a boy stumbles into my hospital room as I finish signing my discharge papers.

"Yes, Mel--Oh. Hi. Who--who are you?" Stiles says.

Melissa smiles at Stiles. "Scott's not answering his phone. Why don't you take Megara to your house for now and tomorrow she can settle in with Scott."

Stiles nods and we walk outside to his Jeep. I smile at the color. He drive to his house and says, "Uh, my dad's not home, but I can set up a bed for you. I'm, uh, I'm Stiles Stilinski."

I give him a small smile. "Megara Parker. Hey, uh, thanks. I know this is kind of weird."

"Don't worry about it. I'll make up a bed and then you can get some rest."

About five to ten minutes later, the bed is set and I fall asleep, riddled with the ever enjoyable demigod dreams.

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