Chapter 15- Oh SHIT..... Ooopies?

Start from the beginning

        I had one option. I need the morning after pill, STAT. I moved and shook Calum awake. "CALUM." I urged. "Calum!"

        He stirred, and opened his eyes, a smile on his face. His smile immediately morphed into a worried look to match my own. "What? What's wrong?"

        I looked aside, and bit my lip as I continued. "We didn't use a condom. You didn't pull out. I'm not on the pill."

        His eyes widened, and then he smashed his face into a pillow. "Shit. I really screwed up."

        "I know. You need to get me the morning after pill. I'd do it, but I'm not eighteen."

        "Will they even sell it to a guy?" He asked, hastily getting up and beginning to clothe himself.

        "We better hope so. Or I'm FUCKED." I cussed. "I'm gonna get pregnant and then have to drop out of fucking school and I'll have no friends or family or you might have an STD and then I'll REALLY be fucked.

        He knew I was serious when I started cursing like that. "Okay. I'll run to the drug store. You'll have to get your dad to give you a ride to school. I'll come to your school at lunch and bring you the pill."

        "Its a plan." I nodded. I got out of my bed and stood, and as I took a step towards my closet, I winced. I was sore, despite the fact he'd been gentle. Looking at the clock, I could see I was already late. However, I plowed through it, and managed to pull on a pair of shredded black jeans, a hoodie, and my combat boots. I also grabbed my backpack. Then, I just pulled my hair up into a bun, and walked out of my room, and got myself a granola bar for breakfast. Jade was sitting eating her breakfast, and I sat next to her.

        "Jade?" I asked softly, feeling awkward. I'd screwed her son. I felt like she knew. She SAW in my SOUL.

        "Yes, Raven?" She asked, smiling at me warmly. I felt guilty already.

        "Can I get a ride to school?"

        "Calum can't?" She asked in surprise, her eyebrows arching.

        I tapped my fingers against the counter tops. "No, he can.. But I just thought like old times. You used to drive me, before me came home. It was our... girl's time." I couldn't be a worse liar. 

        However, she seemed to fully buy it. Smiling as if she was touched, she nodded. "Of course, Raven. I'd be happy to drive you. But we should get going soon."

        "Of course. I'll be in the car." I was just glad to get away from her for a minute. I really didn't have anything against Jade, but it was awkward beyond belief. I hopped outside, and climbed down the steps from our patio to the driveway. I got into Jade's car, which smelled like vanilla and cinnamon. Exactly like she always did. I instantly felt guilty that I was always so mean to her. She really wasn't THAT bad. I shivered suddenly, and sat, waiting until Jade walked out, and hopped into her car. She was dressed in her work clothes, a skirt, blazer, and heels. She was also carrying a briefcase.

        Jade was a counsel for girls and women who had accidental  and unexpected pregnancies. Ironic, isn't it? She worked at the Sydney's women's center, which was the place that Calum and I had to go to the speech at. It was an awkward job, I knew, but I almost admired her for caring so much to do it.

        "Ohhkay, Raven. So why did you really want me to drive you to school?" She said, starting the car, and our drive.

        SHE KNOWS. "Well... I just feel like we should try to get along.... You know, since you aren't going away anytime soon."

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