11. Kissing on couches

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I know it's been a while but I've been out of the city so I didn't really have a chance to write here. Also, I'm going to Greece in like two days and as soon as I come home from there school is starting. I don't know how often I'll update this book as I don't want to stress myself out with updating too often but I really hope you guys will stick around and read it even if updates may not be super frequent:)

Kellin's POV:

Something I really loved about staying at this cabin is that the way we spend our days really feels like it gives us the best of both worlds. During the days we're being a stereotypical loud group of teenagers, messing around.

Daytime we go swimming, playing games, playing music as loud as we can, even climb some of the trees around here sometimes. Of course some of us also spend some of our time making out with our boyfriend as well.

Nighttime though is completely different. After we're all tired and kind of sweaty from the day, each one of us takes a shower, getting dressed in some sweatpants and a loose shirt, looking almost amusingly bad in our clothing as we're moving around in the house.

During the night, before we obviously go to bed, we sit by the fireplace in the living room, all of us snuggled up on the couch under big comfy blankets. We're a lot more quiet, enjoying the silence and just being overall a lot calmer.

Right now it's only Jaime and I who are downstairs, the rest of them still being upstairs. Vic and Lynn went into the two different bathrooms to have a shower, something Jaime and I had already done. Vic had been desperately trying to get me to let him take a shower with me but I had stood my ground on wanting to shower alone.

Not gonna lie, he did seem pretty darn disappointed at this but he was soon happy again as I of course managed to somehow drop my towel in front of him later, giving him a great view of my butt which was an incident he didn't bother hiding how much he liked.

I'm not sure what Tony and Mike are doing now that I think of it but last I checked they were still in Mike's bedroom so I honestly don't think it's a good idea for me to be thinking too much about what's going on up there.

I reenter the living room after going into the kitchen to get us some chips, putting the bowl down on the table before bouncing down on the couch close to Jaime, making him roll his eyes at me as I giggle at how he bounces with me when I sit down.

I playfully press a way too sloppy kiss on his cheek, pulling off with a loud "mwah!" noise as I tease him, "I know you love me!" I beam.

"Yeah yeah, I do love you Kells," he answers and I look at him with wide eyes. What?!

"You actually love me?!" I shriek.

"Well yeah, you're one of my best friends, of course I love you. I love Mike and Tony too you know. Maybe not exactly as much since they're making me feel so short but I love all three of you," he explains casually and I feel myself blushing a little when I realize I've misread his statement. I totally thought that he was confessing to being in love with me.

"Awe! I love you too Himes!" I coo at him, pinching his cheek.

"Speaking of loving though, it feels like I haven't talked to you alone that much lately. How are things going with Vic and you?" he asks, taking some chips before he leans back and rests his arm on the back of the couch.

"Oh! Well so far it's just great! It's honestly going way better than I was expecting it to be. I was a little worried at first that it'd be the kind of thing that lasts for a week and then just doesn't work out, thinking so because of how he's been acting before but I'm just getting more and more confident in this relationship and that it's going to work.

It's complicated II KellicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora