4. Old friends

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Vic's POV:
"Vic?!" Lynn practically shrieks into the phone and I hear some loud tumbling on the other end of the line, making me wonder if she fell off her bed or something.

"Yeah.. I know we haven't spoken in like a year and I totally understand if you don't want to talk to me but I want to apologize.." I feel my cheeks heating up as I talk to her, the shame of how and why I ended our friendship really kicking in by now.

"Okay, where is this coming from? A year ago you didn't even want to be friends with me cause you're a homophobic piece of shit and now you're calling and apologizing?!" yeah, she's still angry with me. Although I really can't blame her. She'd been my best friends for like five years and when she got a girlfriend, coming out to all her friends and family, I stopped talking to her. I really was being a homophobic piece of shit.

"I know, I know. What I did was horrible and I'm so sorry for how things ended. I get it if you don't want to forgive me but I'd really love it if we could meet up somewhere and talk about this?"

She stays silent for a while, sighing deeply before answering.

"Fine. But only because now I'm curious to what the hell's going on since you're calling me. Meet me at our place tomorrow at two."

She doesn't say goodbye or gives me the opportunity to tell her if the time works for me before she hangs up the phone. Yet I must say, considering what I did, that went a hell lot better than I thought it would do.


The next day I contemplate what to wear for literally an hour. I don't know why I'm so nervous to impress Lynn. I just want her to look at me and remember me for the best friend I used to be to her and all the fun we've had and not think about me as.. well, a piece of shit.

I finally decide to just go for the casual kind of outfit I would wear any day, consisting of jeans shorts and a t-shirt. I choose a shirt that I've had for a long time so Lynn will have seen me in it before, hopefully remembering me as a friend.

I get ready to leave the house only twenty minutes before we're supposed to meet up at 'our place' like Lynn had called it. It's a café a ten minute drive from home, close to the school where I'll be attending my last year of high school after summer and Lynn used to attend before moving away shortly after we stopped hanging out.

We used to go there all the time to do our homework or to just hang out, hence why she still called it our place and it made me happy to know that she hadn't forgot about it.

"Where are you going?" Mike asks from the couch as I practically bounce down the stairs.

"Meeting someone," I say, obviously not being the answer he wanted.


"..Lynn," I say after doubting for a second.

He seems confused for a moment, obviously not knowing who I'm talking about before I see how the confusion turns to shock.

"Gunn?! Your ex best friend that you haven't talked to in a year because you started acting like a homophobic piece of shit?"

"Yup, that's the one. I'm sure you two would make great friends as well actually," I say, referring to how they both gave me the exact same rude nickname without knowing it. Mike just goes back to looking confused and I don't give him the chance to say anything more as I leave the house, closing the door behind me.

I drive to the café as I'd be late if I were to walk and when I get there, Lynn is already waiting for me by the same table we always used to sit by. She looks up at me and at first she looks angry but as she probably sees how nervous I am her face softens a little, though I can tell she is still keeping her guard up.

It's complicated II KellicWhere stories live. Discover now