5. Vic's new girlfriend

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Kellin's POV:
I had thought at first that maybe I should calm down with the flirting for a while considering how badly it seemed to freak Vic out last time we saw each other only like two days ago.

Now as I'm intruding on Mike's and his privacy by being in their house again, I'm getting more convinced that I won't be leaving him alone after all.

It's still kind of early in the morning so Vic and Mike are still asleep. Tony stayed the night here as he does half of the time so he's the one who let me in considering I no longer have a spare key since Mike demanded that I gave back the key I borrowed before. Maybe because I borrowed it without ever asking for his permission to do so..

Since Tony is the only one of the guys except for me myself who enjoys drinking tea, I've made us both a giant cup of tea each. Although there was already a used tea bag in the bowl next to the kettle but I guess that must have been Tony's from last night.

Tony and I sit together on the giant couch that stands in the Fuentes' living room. I've known Mike, Tony and Jaime for equally as long time and I love them all as my friends. Yet Tony and I have a special bond that only we two share.

I don't know if it's because we two are, believe it or not, the more quiet ones of us four. If it's because we're both vegan and have some sort of weird vegan bond or maybe it's just that we're both bottoms. Tony has never admitted to being the bottom in his and Mike's relationship but it's kind of obvious with how he always comes off as way more submissive than his boyfriend and considering how Mike once talked about how much he loves Tony's ass for twenty minutes one time when he was high, I'm smart enough to put two and two together.

Speaking of the devil, Mike comes down the stairs and I don't have to look to know it's him since no one else can take that heavy steps.

"Hello person that doesn't live here," he greets me and I turn to him with a big smile.

"Good morning sunshine!" I chirp and he just sighs at me before going to the kitchen to make himself his obligatory morning coffee probably.

Soon after Mike has gone off to the kitchen I hear more steps coming down the stairs, though these I don't recognize. I've heard Vic walking around enough for me to know that sound as well but this sounds different.

"Your brother seriously needs to see a doctor about that fucking snoring of his! I barely slept at all!" I cannot possible keep a poker face as I hear these words spoken behind me since I can easily tell that it's a girl who said it.

I turn around to catch a glimpse of who it is but she disappears into the kitchen before I have the chance to do so and I can only hear some mumbling noises coming from the kitchen, Mike and her obviously having a conversation in there. Instead I turn to Tony who seems to be equally confused.

"Who the hell is that!" I whisper shriek and he just shrugs, not seeming to have any clue about who the stranger is. And excuse me, what is she doing here so early in the morning?! What did that comment mean? Well I'm not fucking stupid so I realize that it means she for some reason slept in Vic's room last night, but why the hell would she sleep in Vic's room?!

The stranger comes back to the living room followed by Mike, him with a cup of coffee and she with a cup of tea. So it was her tea bag..

"Oh! You two are new. Hi!" she says with a big smile. For someone who didn't get any sleep last night she sure seems to be in a good mood this morning.

"Oh right you've never met them. Lynn, this is Kellin and Tony. Kellin and Tony, this is Lynn," Mike explains to us.

We both say hi to her though Tony is polite enough to also give her a smile while I can't bring myself to smile at some girl who spent the night in Vic's bedroom with him, doing who the fuck knows that. Probably things I really don't want to think about my crush doing with other people.

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