Chapter 13

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Erika's POV
I hop out of the shower and put on my robe and almost as if it were on cue there was a knock on my door

I open my door to Raisa with my dinner.

E: I said I would come down

Ra: but you have prom to get ready for so you should eat up here *smiles*

E: thanks

Ra: of course, Justice still hasn't come home?

E: no he hasn't even called or texted I'm getting worried

Ra: maybe he'll smell dinner from where he is and come home

E: *giggles* maybe

Ra: go on and get ready

E: wait red or pink?

Ra: pink you should wear the red dress to the charity ball your grandma is hosting

E: New York's finest jewelry designer has its benefits, she throws the best charity events. Makes me proud to be her granddaughter.

Ra: I'll be serving

E: so we'll have the best food as well

Ra: haha go on and get ready Ms. Erika

E: okay thanks for dinner

Raisa left and I got ready while eating.

Tonight will be the first time I wear my hair down as just Erika in a long time

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Tonight will be the first time I wear my hair down as just Erika in a long time.

E: okay Erika you got this.

I went downstairs and grabbed I saw Noah and Kourtney on the couch.

E: holy crap you guys scared me

N: we've been waiting forever did you forget I was your ride?

E: no I was gonna call

K: you look beautiful Rik

E: thank you, you look great too

K: thanks *smiles*

N: let's goooo I wanna party

E: bye Raisa!

We left out the door and hopped in Noah's truck

We pulled up to the school and hopped out of the truck.

E: you guys head in I'm gonna wait here for William.

N: okay

They went in and I waited...and waited...and waited...and waited and around 8:25 I called William but no answer. Right as I pulled my phone from my ear I saw a car pull up and William hop out all frazzled.

W: sorry I'm late I was gonna call you on my way here but the car in front of me slammed on its brakes causing me to slam in my brakes and my phone slipped out of my hand out of the window and a car ran over it.

E: wow sorry about your phone

W: it's cool I'll get another one you look great like really great I've never seen you with your hair down

E: yeah a ponytail is kinda my thing

W: do you wanna go inside?

E: yeah let's go

Me and William went inside.

Jakes POV
I was chilling at my table with my friends while just kept going on and on about how my tie doesn't match exactly to her dress.

Le: you can't do anything right Jake I said baby blue silk

J: My tie is literally like a half a shade darker than baby blue. You can barely tell it's not the same color.

Then Erika and William walked in. She looked beautiful....what?! I've never thought that about Erika. Maybe Erika Costell because she's being herself no makeup, no glasses, hair down and loose.

I'm thinking about her way too much.

J: look Erika and William aren't matching

Le: well that's because their stupid

J: I thought you wanted to enjoy tonight

Le: I will just wait

A: ugh can you two stop I wanna have fun and party

R: Jc why didn't you bring a date?

Jc: because the girl will think it's a date and I'm not gonna enjoy it at all but she will so she'll expect me to ask her on a second one and I don't wanna it's all just bleh.

J: that's not true at all, I took a girl to the Snowball dance in 8th grade and all that happened after that was that we became really good friends but she ended up moving away so I don't get to see her anymore.

A: I'm surprised you didn't at least try to kiss her I thought you guys were very into each other you guys spent the entire night with each other.

J: we went to the dance together, like tonight I'll spend the entire night with Lexi and you'll spend the entire night with Rocky.

A: and Jc

R: we volunteered to do a three way date since he's being weird about bringing a date.

J: you wanna dance Lexi?

Le: take off your tie then I will

J: my entire outfit will look worse it won't even have color

Le: at least it won't have that horrid tie dancing with me.

I rolled my eyes and took my tie off.

Me and Lexi went to the dance floor on the way there she bumped into Erika and William.

E: sorry

Le: see babe she has my ring

I looked at Erika's hand and she does have the ring again.

E: you gave it back earlier today

J: there's no way Lexi would be nice to you

Le: she hit me and stole it baby

W: Erika is this true

E: I swear William I would never steal from her I try to keep my distance.

Erika's POV
Jake looked at me ashamed probably actually on Lexi's side since he see's the ring on my finger, then Justice, Anthony, and Rocky approached.

R: what's going on?

J: Lexi bumped into Erika and now is confronting her about the ring but Erika won't confess.

E: because I didn't steal it I have nothing to lie to you guys about she approached me and gave it back.

A: okay okay we all know Lexi is the meanest person ever so why would all of the sudden she be nice and give you the ring back?

I was praying Noah would show up but he went home with Kourtney because she ate something bad.

E: I don't know I was confused too.

Jc: what's the big deal? I'm surprised the ring hasn't turned her finger green yet because here is no way a person like you can afford something remotely expensive.

What the actual fvck Justice?!

Jake looked at him surprised but looked away quickly.

Another random stopping point.

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