Chapter 12

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Jakes POV
So I guess I'm telling my secret to a girl I've been bullying for almost 4 years but also met like a week ago? If you can understand that.

J: okay you ready?

E: yeah I guess

J: I never wanted to bully you...

E: what?

J: I'm completely in love with Lexi no matter how many fights we have and she knows that so she ended up talking me into bullying you. She told me she started getting bored with me because I wasn't as exciting when I bully you. I would take her on dates, every time there was a chance to go somewhere exciting we would go but messing with you is like a drug to her and I don't know why.

E: I don't really know what to say to that.

J: what did you do in your last relationship? Like what went wrong for it to end?

E: hehe, I've actually never been in a relationship, or a first kiss, and I'm a Virgin too but you didn't need to know that. I think this conversation is going downhill now oof my bad I didn't mean to tell you that. That's something you tell friends and we're not friends you're like my bully who doesn't want to bully me no offense I'm gonna stop now. Sorry

J: *chuckles* it's cool, maybe William can be your first relationship

E: mmm I don't know him at all, just his name and that he plays football, so I can't even say "maybe". It's hard for me to trust people when you have a lot of money and they know you have a lot of money.

J: it's really cool of you too tell me your secret to save me your brothers friendship

E: I would do anything for him.

J: you guys seem to have a really strong bond

E: yeah

J: anyways you should probably get to work and I have to study for the test coming up because some of us normal people aren't ahead of the class.

E: *giggles* bye Jake

That giggle was cute, she's cute. But she's not my girlfriend Lexi's my girlfriend.

J: oh and when I do say the things I say that aren't very nice just know I don't mean them okay.

E: okay *smiles*

J: bye

Erika's POV
He's cute, WHAT THE ACTUAL FVCK WAS THAY THOUGHT ERIKA?! Delete that from your brain now!!!!!! Liking Jake is a big no not even liking just thinking he's cute is a no. If Lexi were to ever find out my life would be over. But he does so much for her and has such a good genuine heart and she's so evil, NO ERIKA NO!!!

I can't say I haven't thought about Jake like this before but not anymore it's done no more cute Jake no more almost liking him. No no no!

Once I put everything away I grabbed my purse called an Uber and went home. When I got home I went to Justice's room and he wasn't there I went to the kitchen he wasn't there I went throughout the entire house.

I went back in the kitchen to Raisa

E: Raisa

Ra: yes?

E: have you seen Justice?

Ra: he said he was going out with friends

E: did he say which ones?

Ra: um I think someone named Tony I don't know that one

E: it's short for Anthony

Ra: oh well dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes

E: thank you Raisa

Ra: your very much welcome Ms. Erika

E: I'm going to call Justice

Ra: I'll call you down for dinner

E: thank you *smiles*

I went upstairs to my room and plopped down on my bed after kicking my shoes off and closing my door. I pulled out my phone and called Justice and no answer. I called him like 5 more times and no answers. I left him a text telling him to call me back when he gets the chance and went to get in the shower but stopped before I got fully undressed.

E: sh!t

I grabbed my phone off of my bed and called Jake, yes we exchanged numbers.

J: uh hello?

E: um do you have Williams number?

J: why didn't you ask Jc- Justice?

E: well I would but he's not picking up he's not here and not picking up his phone and I forgot to get Williams number before I left school.

J: and you assumed I have his number because I'm on the football team right?

E: well yeah, but if you don't that's totally fine I'll just pray that he'll show up and not be mad at me hehe.

J: no I have his number I'll text it to you

E: thanks and have fun tonight

J: you're welcome and you too

We hung up and I got a text from Jake that was Williams number.

I called him

W: um hello?

E: hey William it's Erika

W: oh hey Erika

E: I'm really sorry about kinda blowing you off I know we were supposed to meet up after class but I left school early because I had to do something and I forgot to get your number.

W: it's fine as long as we're still going together

E: yeah

W: what's your address I'll pick you up at 8

E: um actually I was thinking we could meet up at the school. I'm not really into that traditional stuff.

W: okay so in the front of the school at 8?

E: yeah

W: how did you get my number by the way?

E: how I had my friend ask his friend on the football team for it I don't know their name.

W: oh just wondering.

E: well I have to get ready see you at 8

W: see you

We hung up and I plugged my phone up to my charger went and got in the shower.

Random stopping point!!!

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