Chapter 11

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*grocery store*

Erika's POV
I'm at the store and I see Raisa.

E: Raisa!

Ra: Ms. Erika *smiles*

E: how was your trip?

Ra: wonderful my family says hi

E: well I would say hi back but yah know

Ra: Your father told me about your mother I'm so sorry Ms. Erika

E: it's okay I'm over it I really missed you though I missed having a girl in the house.

Ra: Justice also told me you're acting as my niece and your name is Annie?

E: yeah his friends caught me as Erika Costell with Justice but they didn't recognize me so he told them I was your niece.

Ra: ah smart so you don't have to spend so much time at the diner now

E: yeah but I like the diner

Ra: why aren't you at school?

E: the diner had a few changes and it's reopening on Monday so I'm getting some more food because Kourtney forgot a couple things but I'm really not missing anything I'm ahead in my classes.

Ra: well do you need any help?

E: no I decided to get a good walk in but thanks.

Ra: well get home on time I'm making your favorite.

E: steak?

Ra: yes

E: I'll see you later Raisa

Ra: goodbye Ms. Erika

Raisa left and I continued shopping.

*walking home*

I was walking to the diner with four paper bags full of food thinking it was kind of dumb now, but I didn't think it was going to be this much food.


E: Ahhhh!!!

I tripped and fell face forward.

Jakes POV
After school ended I was driving home and I saw Erika walking with four paper bags full of food bigger than her (not literally) so I decided to give her a ride home. I honked my horn and she screamed and fell annnnd her food fell out of her bags too.

J: sh!t

I try to be nice and fvck it up. I park my car and get out to help her.

She probably gonna think I did it on purpose. When I got to her she was already flipped over and sitting up looking at her scratched up knees.

E: ah sh!t

J: uh hey

She looked up at me angry

E: why would you do that?! Tonight is prom and I never thought I would get a date what if I got a scratch on my face?! Just one night I would like to feel lucky and beautiful but you just had to play around and scare me huh! Cause that's what you snakes do just mess with my life don't you have anything else to do?! Gosh you guys are such a$$holes.

J: I actually was coming to help you but I didn't know me honking was gonna scare you so I'm sorry.

E: oh sorry for that.

J: I kinda expected it and 100% deserve it. So can I help you?

E: uh yeah

I got down and I helped Erika pick up all of her food and put them back in the bags and I held two and she held two. I started walking to my car but she stood confused.

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