Van Sweet Spot Nuggets 1993-94 Edition

Start from the beginning

Bryant Stith: 😳.

The teammates were dumbfounded when Mutombo gave them a cold shoulder. "Look I know the NBA season is not there yet, but we need to enjoy lives for ourselves," Dikembe knew he can relate to what happened.

Dikembe Mutombo: you know what I was 12 years old? I was taller at my young age. I was 5'11" at the time while growing up in Kinshasa, I'm like that sometimes, when my sisters keep fighting over the sweet spot so I jumped on them and they were like: Really Dikembe? Did you have to? Haha yeah because you guys don't stop fighting, so yes I still do that to you.

James Smith: Oh dang.

Dikembe Mutombo: It's 1994, so we need to enjoy ourselves.

John Brown: Yes! We should.

- Players retreat

Taken at Downtown Denver where the rest of the players stay at their dorms close to Nuggets sports arena yet, they went to Colorado Springs. They were at the cabin where the players can enjoy their own company some of them were dating teammates and yet, LaPhonso Ellis is dating Robert Pack and Tom Hammonds is dating a Congolese Player Dikembe Mutombo. John Brown And Rodney Rogers we're laying down on each other at the King sized bed and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf is with Bryant Stith.

James Smith and the rest of the players were on the other cabin. Dikembe and Tom were laying on top of each other after the activities they were doing such as swimming, basketball and some stuff. But then on their breaks, They were relaxing on the bed.

The next part was that Dikembe Mutombo was watching Rocko's modern life on TV. His favorite episode was the hypno dog part and it made him laugh. "Hey Mt. Mutombo, what's so funny?" John Brown asks. "I'm watching Rocko's modern life. Want to join?" "Nah, I'm good, Hey Arnold is better,"

Dikembe Mutombo: Yeah What an ass.

Mahmoud Abdul Rauf: So Dikembe, you watched that show?

Dikembe Mutombo: Yeah because my dad had a TV in Congo. Besides, he's staying in Denver for 4 weeks and goes back to Congo.

Mahmoud Abdul Rauf: Oh I see.

His father stands at 7'10" but Dikembe Mutombo stands at 7'2"

Dikembe Mutombo: Besides my father and I went by at the gas station to get something and yet, My brother Ilo and my sisters were at the supermarket. However, we found out that my mother had a stroke and wasn't feeling well.

Mahmoud Abdul Rauf: Oh I see. Dikembe, Are you going somewhere with your dad.

Dikembe Mutombo: Yes.

Mahmoud Abdul Rauf: Oh okay.

The showtimes,

Dikembe Mutombo once again watched Rocko's modern life. He was laughing but ends up cutting the cheese by accident. "Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba! What was that for?" Roger Williams heard something from nearby. "I thought it was an earthquake or something,"

"Hello? That was me, I was laughing at Ed Bighead in his white brief," Dikembe complained. "And yes I'm 3 feet away from you Bozo!" "Hey Tom your Congolese Boyfriend just blew up the burrito on purpose," Roger Calls Tom Hammonds to tell that Dikembe was the first person to blow a foul smelling gas.

Tom Hammonds: Oh don't worry about it! He can't help it.

Dikembe Mutombo: Yeah my dad Farts all the time and I was so mad at him.

Tom Hammonds: I can tell.

Dikembe Mutombo: Freaking Burrito.

Roger Williams: So you and Mutombo are together.

Tom Hammonds: Yeah.

Roger Williams: If Dikembe Mutombo becomes a mother then the kids will call him Mama Mutombo.

Dikembe Mutombo: Oh stop it Rogers. I'm not pregnant yet.

Roger Williams: Okay then.

Roger Williams: Yeah I'm stuck with Dikembe hahaha 😂.

Next, the teammates were sleeping in many cabins and they were cuddling each other.

"Is it me or the camp smells like poop?" Roger wakes up. "Come On Roger, you know the campground is okay," Rodney Rogers protested. "Besides we packed our body spray just in case,"

"In that case what if Dikembe Mutombo becomes pregnant?" "Dude! I don't think you have to worry about it right now," James Smith said. "If our big man is pregnant, then we understand,"

Samuel Mutombo comes to visit.

The next morning Samuel comes to visit his son and brings him a Congolese lunch. "Hey Mr. Samuel Mutombo What brings you here?" "You must be Dikembe's boyfriend, right?" "Yes," Tom replied. "He's just getting dressed up,"

"Oh hey dad," Dikembe Hugs his father. "I brought you this homemade Congolese lunch, warm it up when you're hungry,"

Sam decided to spend the night at the retreat camp because he wanted to be with Dikembe The youngest son. Tom Hammonds was more welcome to see Samuel spending time with Dikembe. The rest of the players came in to get to know Dikembe Mutombo's father Samuel Mutombo And everyone in the retreat had a wonderful time.

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