♟ Chapter 3 ♟

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I shook my head to break myself out of those thoughts. Let by bygones be bygones.

"Where are you? It's fucking getting late."

I let out a humourless chuckle because in the last eight years except for the school teachers, no one has ever called me by my name. I don't think my father remembered the name he kept for me.

As I reached the last step of the stairs, I saw my father making out with Angelo. I made a dirty look before masking it.

When they heard my foot hitting the floor they both turned around and looked at me with gagging expression.

Well, I should be the one looking at them like that.

Angelo flipped her silver hair behind her shoulder. "Aww! Look my baby girl has grown up. You look very ugly by the way. Just look at yourself, a word to describe you is 'Eww'." She gagged at me.

My father nodded his head; agreeing with her.

At first I found it comedic because of the way she spoke but when my father agreed with her, tears clouded my vision. However, I tried to not show my feelings through my face but my eyes betrayed me. Both slowly grinned when they saw me growing sad before striding towards the door together, with my father's arm around Angelo's waist. I followed behind them. I glanced back at the house for the last time before making my way to the car.

"Belwhore, who will carry the suitcases? The ants or spiders?" I was about to receive a slap but before that happened, Lewis stopped Angelo. 

Angelo muttered to lewis, "What're you doing?"

"Go, carry the bags and put it inside the car," Lewis ordered.

I nodded my head, never once lifting my eyes to look straight and glanced towards the bags. We didn't have much, as the house there was going to be furnished.

What's wrong with Lewis though?

When I came to halt in front of the bags and first tried to pull the trolley which was practically of my size. However, with the energy left in me, I couldn't even move it by an inch. I tried to carry my duffle bag. When I picked it up, I immediately drop it as it was very heavy for me to hold.

"What are you doing there? manufacturing trolleys or picking them up?" My father shouted.

I tried again to pick and pull the luggage but it didn't even move from its initial position. I sighed in defeat and wobbled towards my father.

"Sir, pardon me, I couldn't complete your task." I bowed my head.

My father let out a humourless laugh. He yanked me by my hair to make me look straight at his dark grey orbs. I expected him to throw me across the yard like he always did whenever he was angry, but when I opened my eyes, I saw him looking at me in disgust. He pulled his hand away from my hair and cleaned his it with a handkerchief.

"Though I should have punished you, we don't have time for that. You see it's getting late and I don't want to bruise you up. I want you to look like as though you are also a part of my family. Though, you aren't."

I briefly closed my eyes in distress before opening them.

With that, he pushed me to the ground and went to pick the luggage. I got up slowly and made my way to the car. I saw him carrying two bags at a time.

After about ten minutes, all four of us got inside the car. Me and Lewis in the back seat, Angelo in the front with my father who was driving the car.

As he turned on the car, I gazed out of the window. Kids around 7 years old were going to their school with their parents holding their tiny hands.

Leonardo |✔|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz