No Hero Under The Heavens Able To Withstand Part 1

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Xia Zhou loudly said, "Is that 'zui bu si' [drunken but not dead] Brother Situ? I have an enmity with that Xie Xun for killing my brother. A real man is not afraid of his own actions. I can ask the Shaolin eminent monks to take him out; I will kill him personally. If the devil heads of the Devil Cult want revenge, they can come to look for the man surnamed Xia of Shandong."

The man with the sad voice laughed and said, "Xia Dage, everybody in Jianghu knows that the 'most revered in the Wulin world', the precious Tulong Saber, has fallen into Xie Xun's hand. Since Shaolin Pai has acquired Xie Xun, how can they not be interested in the treasured Saber? Killing Xie Xun is secondary; lifting up the Saber to show their prestige is the priority. I'll say: Kong Zhi Dashi, you don't need to put an act; just take that precious Tulong Saber and hold it high in your hands, let us broaden our horizons. For thousand of years, you, Shaolin Pai, have been the head and brain of the Wulin world. With the Saber you won't achieve much, without the Saber you won't lose much; you will always be the 'most revered in the Wulin world'."

In a low voice Peng Yingyu said to Zhang Wuji, "The speaker is 'Zui Bu Si', Situ Qianzhong. This person is carefree; I heard he doesn't have any master, does not take any disciple, does not belong to any school or society, and very seldom engage in battle. Nobody knows the detail of his martial art skill. His tone is always cold and condescending, but oftentimes right on target."

They heard about seven, eight people in the audience say, "His words make sense. Would Shaolin Pai please take the Tulong Saber out for everybody to see?"

"The Tulong Saber is not in our humble Temple," Kong Zhi slowly said, "In all my life, Lao Na has never seen it. I am not even sure if such saber indeed exists in the world."

As soon as the crowd of heroes heard this, they broke into murmurs; the field was suddenly bustling with noise. The attendees were originally thinking that other than about Tulong Saber, this assembly did not have anything else of great importance. Who would have thought that Kong Zhi would flatly deny the possession of the Saber? Everybody felt strange.

The nine old monks standing behind Kong Zhi were all wearing red kasayas. After the commotion in the audience subsided, one of the nine monks took two steps forward and with a loud voice said, "The Tulong Saber was originally in Xie Xuns hands; however, when our humble Sect captured him, the Saber was no longer in his possession. Our temple's Fangzhang realizes that this is an important matter of the Wulin world; therefore, he immediately launched an investigation. Xie Xun is stubborn and arrogant; he is unwilling to tell us the truth. Today's great assembly of heroes, first of all, is to discuss how we are going to handle Xie Xun. Secondly, we want to inquire if any of the heroes has heard anything about the Tulong Saber's whereabouts. Whoever has any information is invited to speak up."

The crowd of heroes looked at each other; nobody opened his mouth. Again, the 'Zui Bu Si' Situ Qianzhong, with his sad and high-pitched voice said, "For the last hundred of years, there is a saying in the martial art world, 'the most revered in the Wulin world, precious Saber slaughtering the dragon (Tu Long), ruling under the Heaven, nobody dares to disobey. Yitian (relying on Heaven) does not appear, who can match its sharpness?' Other than the Tulong Saber, there is the Yitian Sword. I heard this Yitian Sword was originally in the hands of Emei Pai, but after the battle of the western region's Brightness Peak, nobody knew its whereabouts. Just because today's meeting is called the Heroes' Assembly, could it be that the Emei Pai's heroines refuse to come?" As the people heard his last sentence they broke into boisterous laughter.

[Translator's note: 'ying xiong' – hero, where the 'xiong' character can also mean 'male' (mostly used to refer to male animal), so literally, 'ying xiong' means 'brave male'. Situ Qianzhong used the characters 'ying ci' – 'brave female (animal)'. By calling the Emei Pai heroines as 'ying ci', he was not being complimentary (He would have used 'nu-xia' if he wanted to be courteous).]

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