Elemental Love(Part I)

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Summary:Sana is the heir to the Ice/Water Kingdom and she needs a husband to claim the throne... So Queen Nayeon and King Namjoon send out word all across the realms for the fittest men to compete for her love and their lives.
Jimin woke up and examined his surroundings.
He knew something was off...
That's when he heard it.
Cries coming from his parents room.
However there was a force pulling him and making him stay away from the door.
JM:Just...a little....farther...
Suddenly a black shadow monster jumped out at Jimin.
He sighed as he felt himself slowly giving up.
Jimin gasped as he looked around.
Everything seemed alright.
He jumped to the sound of his little brother Beomgyu crying.
He sighed as he got up to start his day.
Beomgyu was a few years younger than Jimin and had to be raised after their parents died in an accident.
B:Do you really have to go...? Maybe you can sit in the stands with me...and we could watch everyone else fight...
JM:I wish that was how it worked...but if I do they'll have my head...
Jimin opened it and there standing was their childhood friend...
JM:Hey Rosé! What's up...
R:so...I heard you were entering for that ice princess heart...I have a plan...
JM:What is it...?
R:well us being the fire kingdom immediately sweeps us under the rug...so what if you use your fans...
JM:there's no way I'm pulling out those old fans...
R:oh come on...it's your specialty...any of those guys would be happy to toss them at you....
JM:I suppose your right...well I'm not letting you two sit back here....
He pulled out two tickets for a booth up near the princess.
R:Jimin you didnt have to...
JM:I wouldnt want to be separated from my support...now let's pack because it's a long road to Ice kingdom...
They packed and entered their carriage.
Once In The Kingdom...
It was very cold and the three stayed bundled up.
They waited in line among the many many many other contestants.
Suddenly a girl ran into him.
She wore a hood over her head and a mask over her face.
?:oops!I'm so sorry...
Jimin helped her up.
JM:no harm done...So what's your name...?
?:um...I gotta go bye!good luck on the tournament!
Jimin was left staring at her and he just shrugged it off.
JM:Park Jimin...
?:Fire contestants...to the left...
Jimin thanked the man behind the counter and spotted at least 19 guys in the area.
?:Oh hey what's up! I'm Kai...this is Min Yoongi.
JM:Hi!I'm Park Jimin!
K:don't mind him...he's just being a grouch...
Suddenly there was a voice over the microphone.
?:Attention contestants! It's time to meet your prize!
Sana stepped out.
S:ugh...I'm not an object... Hi everyone!Thank you for coming out here! I wish you all good luck and can't wait for the final four...
JM:wait shes the girl i ran into earlier...and what does she mean...final four...?
SG:this kids more dumber than he looks...
K:Basically after the first couple matches...the members of your district get eliminated...and the remaining few have to fight...you have the option to kill or spare your final opponents...
JM:oh no... I don't want to kill either of you...
K:then stick with us...we won't try to...at least. I won't... Suga probably will...
Suga rolled his eyes and they proceeded into the bunkers.
S:ah!It's you sorry for earlier!
Sana said waiting in the common area.
JM:Oh it's okay...so who do you hope to win your heart...
S:well I really hope it's another district outside of water because...I want to conjoin two realms and make them friends...
JM:oh that's sweet...
Sana blushed as Jimin sat next to her.
?:Hey! That's my seat!
Jimin looked up and was face to face with a slightly taller guy.
S:Mark...this is the common area...we can sit anywhere...
Mark huffed and walked away.
JM:what's his deal?
S:I have no clue...he was the first person to enter because he was my childhood friend...I hope someone cool wins...kinda like you...
Jimin's face darkened.
JM:oh... thanks...
S:well I'd better get going...good luck on your first match...
Time Skip...
They had a surprise first match tonight and Jimin was nervous.
He scanned the room and read the names of his opponents:
Fire Realm:
Water Realm:
Earth Realm:
Wind Realm:
He spotted the three men and could tell they weren't in to play...
Announcer:Step in your cages! Ready...go!
Jimin kicked open the side of the cage as he went the opposite side of the arena being chased by Jaebum.
JB:Mark wants me to kill you!
JM:why listen to him! I can spare your life! Please don't kill me!
JB:you? Spare my life? I don't think so...
Jimin suddenly tripped over a high step and spotted something to help him...
JM:Not today!
Jimin fired the flame thrower at Jaebum and at whoever got close.
Announcer:An unexpected sudden death to some...
Jimin gulped as he looked down at the charred body.
JM: I'm..so sorry...
Jimin looked up and was tackled by Woojin.
He had sharp claws of some sort.
Jimin gasped as he tried to push him off.
Woojin gasped as he felt a metal spear go through his midsection.
Jimin's eyes widened as he looked at where it was shot from and quickly got up.
JM:Doyoung...let's talk about this...
Doyoung picked up another one.
Jimin felt something as he crawled up to stand and quickly hid it in his sleeves.
DY:It's really too bad you had to die this way...I was hoping to see you go farther...
JM: that won't happen either way...
Jimin turned and quickly tossed the closed fan into his throat.
Doyoung gasped and Jimin glared and opened it.
The fan opened slicing Doyoung's head almost completely off his neck.
The crowd went wild seeing so much blood and Gore.
Jimin sighed as he picked up the fans and helped celebrate with the crowd.
He walked backstage and was stopped by Mark and his friends.
M:Hey that wasn't very cool of you to make Jaebum be the first to die...
JM:It was me or him...I had no choice...
M:I can't wait to get my hands on you...you know if you make it to the final round...
JM:Yeah yeah I'll see you there....if you make it...
Mark glared at Jimin as he walked away.
To Be Continued...

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