Cold Blooded

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S:I-I'm pregnant!
3 months later...
It had been a few months since Sana sacrificed Jimin to the Gods and freed the rest of her friends from his evil vampire palace...
Although she loved Jimin very much and he had a special place in her heart...
She used him as inspiration to become a vampire Hunter.
Jennie snarled as she hurried through an alley.
Sana took out a silver knife coated with holy water.
She tossed it in Jennie's direction...
She seen it collide with a fan.
The fan was blue and had knives in it.
She gulped as she seen a masked figure holding his hand out as the knives-fan came back.
The figure opened the fans and ran at full speed towards her.
Sana jolted awake.
She looked around the room.
It was her own comfy white room.
She breathed a sigh of relief as she heard the door open.
JK:I made you some tea...
Sana smiled.
Although Jimin was gone.
She knew her child would need a father...
And that's what Sana was considering Jungkook.
JK:so I've been doing some research...Jennie's plotting something...
S:like what?
JK:She wants someone to rule over Air realm...
S:what's air realm?
Jungkook sat her down.
JK:In the beginning...Jennie's mother CL ruled over four realms...
The first realm being earth realm.
Second being Vampire realm
Third is Fantasy realm.
And fourth was air realm.
The vampires invaded fire realm to make it into vampire realm.
CL's army attacked the entire capital as she closed in on the princess Jisoo.
Jisoo screamed and begged for mercy as she was trapped out onto the balcony.
CL smirked as she held a fire bow and arrow pointed at Jisoo.
JS:Please don't please!Leave me alone!No!-
JK:That was the beginning of Vampire realm...then came Fantasy realm...
Fantasy realm wasn't exactly the strongest which is why it was easily overrun by her army.
Earth realm is the only realm not overrun due to our army...
CL traveled on horseback as some of her men were being brutally murdered while others attempted to escape.
Narration end..
S:so what about air realm?
JK:air realm is where the gods go to be worshipped...we have special protectors for it...but if Jennie can get her hands on it...then we're all doomed...
S:so we need to stop her...
JK:there's only one way...
S:which is?
JK:we enter the tournament and kill everyone inside...
S:We need a squad of vampire killers...
Jihyo adjusted her hat.
S:people that are willing to give their lives to benefit others...
Lisa made sure her boots were on correctly.
JK:someone who's not afraid....
Suga loaded his crossbow.
JK:also someone who can fight...
Kang Daniel places a knife in his shoe by his ankle.
S:and someone who can easily take down others...
BamBam adjusted his sunglasses.
S:let's not forget our army...
JK:we'll just call in the others to be on the lookout...
Somewhere in Kim Palace...
Servant: I'm-I'm sorry your majesty... I-
Another servant ran in.
Servant:your's ready...
Jennie smirked.
She walked into the mage's room as Rosé was finishing up her spell on three body's.
R:resurgemus nos de somno surgere
Jennie smirked as she joined in the chants in Latin.
JN,R:resurgemus nos de somno surgere!
Lightning struck as the three corpses rose.
Jennie and Rosé cackled.
JN:welcome home...

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