Apocalypse CH 2(Segment 1)

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IMPORTANT:I'm breaking it down so the reader can make CHOICES but make sure to CHOOSE CAREFULLY since it's affecting the storyline...
If I don't get any votes on either choices then I'm going to discontinue it...
A/N:ALSO I replaced Jaehyun with Jonghyun...rip he deserved so much more...
CL and the kids all sat in the backseat as Jonghyun sped through the town.
Irene was silent as they slowly ran out of gas.
They examined the area and decided to head out.
They stayed close when suddenly...
Irene stabbed a monster in the head just as it fell on top of her and Kitty.
CL:oh no...Jiminie stay close...
Jimin grabbed onto CL's hand as more of those things showed up.
Jonghyun quickly looked around for anything.
He started pounding on different doors.
JM:C-CL...they're coming closer...
A handsome man held a pistol.
?:everyone inside now!
A few more shots were heard as the five ran inside.
?:There that dumbass goes with his itchy trigger finger!
?:dad that's enough!
The same man who saved them came in with the door closed.
?:are y'all okay...I'm G-Dragon...that cranky man there is Jung Wook,and that's Seungri...and that smarty pants over there is Jiyoon...
JW:Listen! we're all gonna die in here because of you trying to be mother Teresa!
CL:let's just all calm down...
Another woman came out.
?:here y'all must be thirsty... I'm Gayoon...
I:thank you so much...
GY:there's something you and G-Dragon could help me with...why don't you look around to find anything useful before we go...
CL smiled at Gayoon and turned to Jimin.
CL:I'm going to leave you with Irene and Jonghyun alright?
CL smiled and walked to the back.
She sighed.
She knew exactly where she was...
GD:I know exactly who you are....
CL jumped.
GD: your wanted for murdering your wife and that one guy...
CL:h-how do you know?
GD:I was a journalist...you were all over the news...you know...I don't really care ..these days that type of skill comes in handy...
G-Dragon smiled at CL and she lightly blushed.
CL:so you won't tell Jimin?
GD:I don't think your a monster...your nothing like those things...you seem like a genuine kind person...
CL smiled and suddenly they came across it...
There was a body in a sleeping bag...
CL gulped.
It was her mother.
She sighed.
GD:I'm sorry...
CL:it's okay...
The three ventured out into the night and quickly found themselves at a motel.
There was an RV in the parking lot and there were a few monsters.
GD:I hear crying...
CL:okay...let's see if we can find anything to help us...
G-Dragon nodded and cocked his gun.
GY: we're going to attract more if we use the gun...
CL examined the area.
She had to find something that could kill the monsters without making noise.
She seen a truck and quickly looked in.
There was a screw driver she could use...
She seen an air vent that had a loose screw.
Maybe this could be thin enough to pick the lock...
CL tugged on the screw and it came off.
She tiptoed to the door and tried her best not making any noise.
Sure enough, she got the door opened and managed to get the screw driver.
She led the others behind a wall and gave a quick peek.
There was a monster feeding off of something.
She seen a pillow and grabbed it.
GY: perfect we could use that...
CL:I have a better idea... G-Dragon come with me...
CL pressed the pillow to the monsters face and G-dragon shot into the pillow silencing the gun.
They sighed relieved.
They made their way up the stairs and killed the monsters along the way.
GY:hello...we're here to help!
Out came a very sick looking man.
?:p-please...I need to kill myself...
?:I'm...I'm bitten...
The threes eyes widened.
The man turned to G-Dragon.
?:you...could I use your gun...?
GY:Come on just give it to her...
What do you choose:
1.Side with G-Dragon
2.Side with the strange man
Don't forget to choose^

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