Apocalypse CH 2(Segment 2)

47 2 5

A/N: Choice Made:
Side With G-Dragon
Result:+Romance Points toward G-Dragon
CL:hey!back away!
?:P-Please!I need it!
He lunged forward at G-Dragon.
Both men and the two women were now on the unstable deck.
GD:Get off me!
The two men tumbled backwards onto the ground of the deck making it tumble to the ground.
G-Dragon was on the ground and the man stood up.
The man fell lifeless.
JY:Oh my god!
GD:Let's get the fuck out of here...
The three made their way back to the pharmacy.
They had nothing better to do but wait.
CL sighed as Irene attempted to clean the blood from the pharmacy off her child.
JW:holy shit...she's bit!
J:she is not!
JW:Yes she fucking is!and we need to throw her out before she eats the rest of us!
K:mommy I'm scared...
I:CL stop him!
1.Side with Jung Wook
- Relationship with Jonghyun,Irene,Kitty
+Relationship with Jung Wook and Seungri
2.Side with Jonghyun
- Relationship with Jung Wook and Seungri
+Relationship with Jonghyun,Irene,Kitty
M/N:Either way Kitty doesn't get thrown out so don't worry!
CL:well...we don't know if she is...
J:CL are you fucking serious?!
CL:Listen!Your not getting to that child without going through me!so sit your flabby ass down!
Jung Wook glared at CL.
JW:fine!but don't go blaming me when we all die!
CL rolled her eyes and walked outside to get some fresh air.
They had a gate locked so the zombies couldn't get them.
CL spotted something...
It was a remote.
She reached it with a stick.
Gayoon smiled.
GY:hey that's a remote...huh it's universal...I could program it to turn on those TV's over there...
Gayoon took the remote and pressed a few buttons...
Sure enough...
The two headed inside.
Time Skip
They were bored when suddenly...
Monsters were all trying to get in.
There was too many to fight off.
CL:holy shi!-
Gayoon acted fast to go and cover up the window.
J:try to hold everyone!I'll get the car running!
Jonghyun hurried to his truck while everyone else was inside.
G-Dragon stood protectively in front of everyone and shot as many as he could.
1.Save G-Dragon
2.Save Gayoon

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