Old Feelings (Part 2)

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Sana's POV
Ah another day until I'm closer to death...
Sana got up and got ready for school.
She didn't find anything appealing except for the talent show  her friends were entering.
She thought about her old friends she got to meet
Jimin was the total package...
He was nice,he could dance,sing,cook,he was humble and smart and (he had good looks which didn't really matter)
Mark was so handsome,sweet and strong....
Sana pondered as she made it into school.
She had a huge secret she couldn't wait to tell Jimin...
Her secret was that she liked Mark
Oops time for class!
Sana sat in her seat.
Jimin,Youngjae and Rosé weren't there when the teacher reminded them.
Teacher: Everyone who is performing in the talent show will be excused early to get ready...then we'll go and watch after we do some class work...
Time Skip
Sana groaned as she leaned on Mark.
They held hands.
They had been flirty but it was always as a joke.
I need a way to express the way I feel...hm...
And suddenly...she heard him..
Jimin was singing with Rosé on the talent show to spread awareness for people to love their body shape.
JM,R:Yeah, my momma she told me don't worry about your size...
The two matched pitch beautifully.
R:She says, boys like a little more booty to hold at night
V:(That booty, booty, uh, that booty booty)
R,JM:You know I won't be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll
R:So, if that's what's you're into then go ahead and move along
Sana beamed at the two
R,JM:Because you know I'm all about that bass

'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble
I'm all 'bout that bass, 'bout that bass
Hmm...I think I know just the thing to ask Mark out...
Jimin and Rosé were resting backstage when Sana walked in cheerfully.
S:You two did sooo good!
S:I need a favor...would you two mind... helping me ask Mark out...
Rosé looked at Jimin out of the corner of her eye.
JM:um... we'll do anything we can...
Sana squealed.
S:thank you!
Jimin's POV
After Sana left...
R:Jimin...are you going to help her...
Jimin stayed silent in his own thoughts.
I can't make her happy...she deserves someone she wants,and someone who will make her happy...and I'll support her...even...even if it hurts...
JM:um...yeah I'm going to put my feelings aside and do what I can to make her happy...
Rosé smiled.
R:so are you going to come up with a plan...
JM:actually...I need your boyfriend to have a very long conversation....
Jimin's afternoon was spent learning everything about Mark that he could.
He planned on passing the information onto Sana when he could.
How long will it last...I can't just let him take her...can I...?

SaJim OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora