Bruised and Battered[Part II]

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Jimin's POV
Jimin woke up in a hospital bed
Wh-where am I...?
Nurse:Take it easy buddy...your pretty banged up...
JM:What happened...?
Nurse:your head was busted open,you have bruises and scrathes all over your body,oh and you lack rest.
Jimin knew if his mom found out he was here then he'd be dead.
JM:I can't stay here...I'm sorry...
Jimin jumped up on the bed and hopped onto the floor darting for the door.
Nurse:Quick Catch him he's running!
Jimin quickly hopped onto the desk and jumped over the crowd rolling into the elevator.
He managed to hit the bottom floor button and was prepared to dart out.
The doors flung open and Jimin darted out of the exit.
He made his way into an alley and realized he was completely naked except for the hospital gown.
He dug through the trash for any sort of clothing.
Dammit! Nothing...wait...shit!someone's coming!
Sana's POV
We watched in amusement at what Jimin did and seen him run out...
JH:We need to find him
The members nodded as their leader sent Chaeyoung,Dahyun,Jeongyeon,Tzuyu and Sana into the alley.
Jimin's POV
I looked around for any sort of clothes since I had no clothing on underneath my hospital gown.
CH:Found him...
He turned to a very bored Chaeyoung with a lollipop in her mouth.
JM:Oh shit!
He tried to run but she grabbed his arm.
N:Are you okay?are you hurt?
Nayeon placed a finger underneath his chin and examined his face.
What the fuck...
The nine girls examined his limbs checking for any bruises/cuts.
TZ:Guys...I think Jimin's afraid of us...
JM:I wonder why...
Everyone looked at him and he put his hands over his mouth.
M:He does have a reason to...we did treat him badly...
JM:Badly is a very bad way to put it...
He smiled and suddenly felt a warm blanket wrap around him.
S:You'll probably feel warmer with this...
JM:uhh thanks...
Sana gave him a gentle smile.
S:Your welcome by the way...
S:We saved you from that mean lady...
Jimin looked confused but then it caught up to him.
JM:Does she have blonde hair and a spray tan...?
JM:Oh no...did she see you...?
M:Why are you suddenly worried about us...
JM:I-It's a long story...
N:Well we can't let you go back with her so put this on...
Jimin held a black blindfold.
Chaeyoung and Dahyun took a side and tied it around his eyes.
Jihyo and Momo led Jimin into a black van.
Nayeon drove the car as Jimin sat tense next to someone.
?:Don't worry Jimin we're not gonna hurt you...
It was obviously Sana since he recognized her soft voice.
He sat completely still.
The girls all felt terrible for letting him get beaten up and even taking part in degrading him.
He heard the van door open and he felt guided out of the car.
He smelled fresh trees and grass.
Ah!Perfect place for them to kill me...
He felt a hand grab his.
S: We're home!
He could recognize that small hand in his.
It was Sana's.
The only reason he recognized it was because he was slapped by it once in the face.
The door opened to a very... luxurious house.
TZ:Home sweet home...
Jimin took off the blindfold and looked around the very big house and suddenly was sat down by Jeongyeon.
JM:Wh-what do you girls want...
N:to treat your wounds...
Jimin hesitated but then...
JM:Fine...I'll let you help me...
Suddenly he accidentally brushed arms with Sana's.
The girls stared wide-eyed at him.
They did this to him...they made him scared of everyone.
Tzuyu spoke up.
TZ:Jimin... we're not here to hurt you...
N:Yeah we're here to clean your wounds...
JY:We don't expect you to forgive us...
MO:or do we deserve it...
JH:But if you let us help you...
DH:Maybe we'll be closer...
Mina smiled at Sana
M:and maybe
S:even be
Friends...?ha what a laugh...
JM:I-I've never had friends...
He said slightly pouting as the girls shared the similar guilt look.
N:Jeongyeon...get him some of those clothes we found...they might be a bit big on him but it's better than him catching a cold in this hospital gown...
Jeongyeon nodded and walked upstairs.
N:Mina bring Jimin some cookies...Tzuyu bring my first aid kit...where's Jeongyeon with the boys clothes...he's gonna catch a cold!Oh!And Jeongyeon bring the underwear too!
Jeongyeon said a faint 'okay'.
N:Momo make Jimin some jokbal...
Jimin stared back at Sana as she gave him a look that wasn't her everyday resting bitch face.
Nayeon noticed this look as well and... me dress Jimin...
JM:Uhh...I can do that myse-
Sana took the blanket off him.
N:put the underwear on him...
Sana and Jimin both blushed a bright red.
Sana took the boxer briefs from Jeongyeon and put them on him.
He said out of embarrassment.
Tzuyu and Chaeyoung laughed both taking pictures/recording the scene.
Momo returned with a plate of jokbal and her face covered in sauce.
N:Momo did you make multiple?
Momo licked her fingers.
MO: perhaps...
Nayeon took the plate and handed it to Jimin.
Jimin's mom's POV
Aish!where is that damn boy?!?! I'll kill him!what a pathetic excuse for a son...
Jimin's mother was angry as she chucked a glass vase at the wall making it shatter.
No one wanted to mess with a mafia boss... especially not this pissed off mafia boss.
It isn't that common to have female mafia bosses... but if you meet this one you'll be scared shitless.
I'm going to find you...and I'll give you the punishment you deserve...
Jimin's POV
They talked in the opposite corner as Jimin sat nervously alone.
They'd occasionally glance over at him and go back to talking.
I need to escape...if they find out I'm the son of a powerful mafia boss..I'm ruined... you guys have a bathroom?
TZ:Of course we do...
JY:It's great...
N:Sana take him to the bathroom...
Sana nodded and led him up the stairs.
Jimin's eyes widened as he looked around the big hallways.
S:Do you still need to go or did you just piss yourself looking at my house...?
Sana opened the door for him and he walked in and locked the door.
He looked around and spotted the window.
He smiled.
He quickly ran to it and opened it.
He looked out of the 2nd story bathroom window.
It was so far down. can do this...just don't die...
He climbed out the window and slowly climbed down the wall.
Hey this isn't that ba-
Jimin tumbled onto his ass.
Better than being paralized...SHIT RUN!
Jimin got up and immediately sprinted to the van as the girls heard the noise and ran outside.
Jimin hopped in the van.
He managed to find some spare keys in the glove department.
The girls were getting closer.
The next thing Jimin knew he was speeding off leaving the girls in the dust.
Thanks for reading I hope you had/have a wonderful day don't forget to vote comment and add to your library if you hope for more...bye guys!♡

SaJim OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora