Quirk Tests

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~Maria's POV~

"Wait, we're doing a quirk assessment test?!" The class shouts loudly as we all look at our teacher with different emotions on our face. "But orientation, we're going to miss it!" The girl with short brown hair from before says and I agree with her. Back at Brooklyn Visions Academy if you missed orientation then you basically missed all the information you need to survive for the year! "If you really want to make it in the big leagues then you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies" Mr. Aizawa says and I look at him weird, where is he getting at on this? "Here at UA we teachers are free to run our class as we see fit" our worn looking teacher adds which completely catches the entire classes attention. I'm not really sure I like where this conversation is going.

"You all did standardized test most of your lives but you weren't allowed to use your quirks" Mr. Aizawa tells us and memories of the physical test I did back in school growing up flash through my mind. "Bakugou, you placed first in the entrance exam. What was your score in junior high?" Mr. Aizawa asks one of the kids. "I'm not sure, about 67 meters I'm sure" Kaachan says from in front of me sounding unsure but confident. 'Wait, so his name is Kaachan Bakugou? That's kind of strange for a name even in Japan, Kaachan sounds more like a nickname. But I could be wrong, so I'll just call him Bakugou' I think as I look at the ash blond boy in front of me. "Right, well take this ball and step inside the circle. Throw the ball but you can use your quirk" Mr. Aizawa tells the ash blond male sounding like he doesn't care about anything right now.

Bakugou walks over to Mr. Aiawa and takes the ball then walks into the circle our teacher told him to. "Anything goes, goes stay in the circle" Mr. Aizawa says as Bakugou stretches his arms and legs. "Alright man, you asked for this" the ash blond boy says before he reels back his arm and prepares to throw the ball. "DIE!" Bakugou yells as he throws the ball and uses a large explosions to boost it's speed.

 "DIE!" Bakugou yells as he throws the ball and uses a large explosions to boost it's speed

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'No way!' I think with wide eyes as I watch the ball go flying until I lose sight of it. "All of you need to know your maximum capabilities, it's the most rational and logical way of being a hero" Mr. Aizawa tells the class and shows us Bakugou's score which is 705.1 meters! "Woah! 705 meters are you for real? That's crazy!" I hear Denki shout from somewhere in the class. "I wanna go! That looks like fun!" One of my female classmates shots excitedly, "this is what I'm talking about! Using or quirks as much as we want!" A male says excitedly from somewhere. "So this looks fun to you all?" Mr. Aizawa say lowly which grabs everyone's attention. "You have three years here to become a hero, you think it's going to be all games and play time?" Mr. Aizawa questions us sounding somewhat smug.

"Idiots, all of you" Mr. Aizawa says lowly, his formerly tired expression shifting into one with a dangerously mischievous smirk that sends shivers up and down my spine. This is not a good sign. "Today you'll compete in eight physical test and push yourselves past the limits. But since you think this is nothing but fun and games how about we make this harder. Whoever gets last place is going to be expelled on the spot" Mr. Aizawa tells everybody I feel a wave of shock rip throughout my entire body. 'He can't be serious!' I think feeling slightly panicked, there's no way he can be serious about this! "Let's begin" Mr. Aizawa says, his malicious smile still on his face which sends shivers up and down my nonexistent spine. 'Oh Lord, he's serious about this' I think as a sense of dread washes over me.

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