Battle Bots

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~Maria's POV~

I stand in front of Battle Center B surrounded by many other examinees who are ether talking amongst themselves, silently getting ready for the battle ahead or gawking at me like I'm an alien. They must not see a lot of foreigners but that doesn't mean they have to stare, there are people walking around with freakin' animal heads and completely mutated bodies but they can't seem to tear their eyes away from a girl with dark skin and puffy hair. Usually I wouldn't let their stares bother me, and they don't. It's the comments that do, many of my fellow examinees have been saying some pretty rude things about me ever since they took notice of me. And I rather not repeat some of the things they've spoke about me. I just can't wait for this exam to start and end so I can go home. I sigh and shake my head from side to side before walking around, deciding to head to the back of the crowd where less people will stare at me, hopefully.

As I make my way towards the back I notice a somewhat familiar head of messy green hair. I walk closer to the set of hair to see it's the nervous looking boy from earlier! 'Maybe making conversation with someone could distract me from all these stares' I think as I make my way towards the tense boy. "Hey!" I try to say cheerfully as I walk over to the green haired boy but my voice comes out as an awkward mix of nervousness, shyness and excitement. "U-um a-are you talking to me?" He asks skittishly, "yes I am. I saw you looking nervous over here and thought maybe talking to someone could calm you down. I promise I don't bite" I tell him and offer the shy male a bright, friendly smile which also, ironically enough, reveals my very noticeable sharp pair of canines on my top row of teeth that look more like fangs than anything. 

"O-oh" he says lowly as he nervously avoids eye contact with me, he's more scared than I thought. "Isn't this all really nerve wrecking? I mean I'm really excited but it's all kind of intimidating" I tell him trying to sound both friendly and cheerful despite my own shyness that I feel right now. When I meet new people I become really shy and timid but Mama always told me if I want to make new friends I have to take the first step, and in order to do that I have to be confident and out going despite how shy I might feel. "Y-yeah, I guess it is" the boy tells me, green eyes wondering up from his feet a little. "By the way I'm Maria Davis, what's your name?" I ask him happily as I shift my weight from one side to another. This boy must be socially awkward to some extent. "M-my name is I-Izuku Midoriya, ni-nice to meet you Davis-san" he tells me shyly as he looks up to meet my eyes for a second before looking back down.

"You don't have to be so nervous Midoriya, you can also call me Maria" I tell him with a relaxed smile, trying to help him become less nervous. "O-okay, n-nice to meet you M-M-Maria-san" Midoriya stutters out, "can I call you Izuku? It's kind of weird to call someone by their last name for me? I don't mean to be rude though" I tell him, trying to sound as non-offensive as I can. I know most Japanese people consider it rude if you call them by their first name without knowing them. "T-that's okay with me" Midoriya-or now Izuku says, his entire face become red. "U-um can I ask if you, ah, a-are you a-a foreigner by any chance? You look really di-different" Izuku asks as he looks up to meet my eyes, a small blush coating his pale, freckled cheeks. I go to answer him but before I can his polished jade green eyes widen considerably before he starts waving his arms around like crazy as his face becomes panicked.

"I-I don't mean to sound rude! I-I was just curious is all! I di-didn't mean to make i-it sound so offensive!" Izuku suddenly shouts and I look at him confused before I finally realize that what he said is considered rude by many people. But I'm really laid back and nice so I knew he didn't mean it in a rude way, he was just curious is all. "No it's okay, I'm not offended at all! And I am a foreigner but I guess you could have concluded that from my looks. I'm actually from America, Brooklyn, New York to be more specific. The reason I look like this is because I'm an Afro Latina which is basically an African or African American mixed with Latino" I tell him cheerfully, sounding completely relax as I disregard his panic. Seeing me so calm with a friendly smile on my face Izuku slowly calms down as well seeing as I'm not offended in the slightest at what he's said.

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